1. They wonder what’s over the next hill.

Adventurers are fueled by the unknown. When you are out and about, do you find yourself curious about what’s in the next block, down the next road, or over the next hill? Then you have what it takes to be an adventurer too. Curiosity pulls adventurers toward adventure like a magnet. Discovery is one of the great joys of being an adventurer.

2. They are the ones who think of things to do.

Whether you are spontaneous or a planner, if you find yourself getting ideas for solo or group activities, you have what it takes to be an adventurer. If you are often the one who says crazy things like, “Let’s go chase alligators at that new state park. Or we could spend Saturday making homemade airplanes. Anyone for bungee jumping?” – then you are an adventurer.

3. They’d rather fund a trip out of town than pay bills.

We all have to be responsible, but you find yourself thinking about the places you could go with the money you have to spend on bills instead. This means you have what it takes to be an adventurer! Adventurers are willing to give things up to pay for gas, hotel, camping, mega-flashlights, bear spray, and other costs of adventuring.

4. They find adventure everywhere… even in the ordinary.

Nobody said you have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles away from home to be an adventurer. Those who have adventure in their blood find it everywhere. When you ride your bike downtown or leave the office to do errands, do you imagine you are on a great adventure? Then you have the heart of an adventurer.

5. They gather gear and gadgets. They can’t help themselves.

Adventurers are gadget and gear lovers. They adore their backpacks, multi-tools, and clever containers. If your shelves at home hold handy gadgets and gear you bought “just in case you need it,” then you are an adventurer just waiting to come alive!

6. They are resourceful and imaginative.

Adventurers are clever people who love using whatever is at hand to solve challenges. No lighter for the campfire? Use your taser (carefully). Nothing to write down an address? Etch it into paper with a toothpick or write it on the windshield in lipstick. Your friends might start referring to your resourceful solutions using your name as a noun, like: “It’s another Sheila!”

7. They never give up. Some might say they are stubborn.

Adventure has its share of challenges, but that’s part of the fun. If you don’t give up easily and choose to be positive about even the most difficult problems in life, then you have the spirit of an adventurer. Those who give up, miss out on the most beautiful forests, highest mountains, and most majestic bears.

8. They easily lose track of time.

An interesting thing about adventuring is that you become immersed in it. If you often become engrossed in what you are doing, and feel hungry to learn more about it, then you’re adventurous. If you love studying every angle and easily shut out everything else while you are exploring an idea, then you have the mind of an adventurer. You already have the ability to absorb your surroundings, learn as you explore, and truly enjoy your adventures. Just because you haven’t yet traveled the world or decided to live on a beach or climb a mountain doesn’t mean your aren’t an adventurer. Let the natural born inner adventurer in you out today; wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing. What’s over that next hill? Do you know someone else who might be an adventurer? Send them this list to encourage them! Featured photo credit: Woman Standing On Red Rocks Celebrating Success/Ed Gregory via stokpic.com