In fact, I just had my birthday (yay, October babies!) and my cool Libra demeanor helped me ride out some unexpected hitches in my birthday plans. How many other signs would’ve totally freaked out when they hit bad traffic on their way to see a movie with friends, get to the theater only to find the line there is also bad, and finally get to the front of the line only to have the tickets no longer available? Yes, it was irritating, but I found a way to go with the flow — as any Libra woman would (we ended up having milkshakes and laughing about inside jokes, and I had a great time). But, as with all people, Libra women have weaknesses in addition to their strengths. Balancing the scales isn’t easy, and it has its complications. Oh, and can you say indecisive? If you want to understand us, here are some basic truths about your Libra lady friends.

1. We can charm your pants off.

Libras are known for being particularly charming. We’re good at being witty and pride ourselves on our sense of humor. We know how to be polite without being stiff. If you bring us home to meet your parents, I can guarantee they’ll love us. We adapt our charm to the people and the situation. This knack for charm is because of the whole “balance” thing. We want people to like us. At the very least, we want to be able to get along with people—not just because of our egos (I mean, that’s just human), but because being it creates the most balanced environment. This doesn’t mean we’re pushovers or doormats, because that’s not balanced either. Rather, we’ll know how to read and interact with a huge variety of personalities without compromising ourselves. It’s a pretty nifty skill.

2. We’re indecisive.

Those balancing scales that represent Libras are both a blessing and a curse. Being able to see multiple sides of things is useful for conflict resolution and understanding others—but it also turns even the most mundane decisions into torture. Am I really in the mood for cookies, or do I want a slice of cake? Is this laundry detergent the best, or that one? Forget about asking us where we want to go out to eat or what movie we should watch on Netflix. We just see so many possible pros and cons that it overwhelms us. Coupled with our desire to “go with the flow”, we’re more likely to defer to what you want to choose unless we already know for sure that we have a strong opinion about something.

3. We’re expert diplomats.

When two of our friends are fighting, we slide naturally into the role of the diplomat. This doesn’t mean we always think both sides are equally in the wrong and that no one is more at fault; after all, we tend to have a strong sense of justice. We’re just able to see the whole picture and understand why each party is feeling a certain way about each aspect of the conflict, as well as why and how the two parties are failing to resolve it. We can explain one side’s way of thinking to the other side without excusing or defending it. We know what language to use to talk to each person and how to best explain our thoughts to them. Even if we’re only able to talk to one person in the conflict, we can guess pretty well what’s going on with the other side’s thought process. If you’re ever at a standstill with your friend/partner/parent/co-worker, you know to go to your Libra friend.

4. We value justice and fairness.

Like I said above, we have a strong sense of justice. This is probably due to our knack for seeing all the sides of situations. When something is unjust, we passionately wish to see it righted and are not likely to stand idly by. We will also take the time to consider other people’s arguments and reasoning (assuming it falls within the realm of sanity), because we want to be sure we’re looking at everything fairly. Then we find the best way to articulate our response to those arguments that we think the person behind them will be the most receptive to. Of course, there are certain ways of seeing things that we just won’t consider, such as ways of thinking that are plainly discriminatory and hateful. Fairness must also be just. Your Libra friend is probably a good advocate of civil rights and social justice issues for this reason.

5. We’re intelligent.

Desiring to see multiple sides of things requires a lot of reading, conversation, and idea-exploring. After gathering so many perspectives and information over time, it’s not surprising that Libras are often quite smart. There’s usually a high level of intelligence from an early age that drives us to seek all this information in the first place, so that we just get even more clever and well-rounded over time.

6. We have great aesthetic taste.

There’s something about Libras, especially Libra women, that gives us particularly good aesthetic taste. And don’t just take it from us! We’re told all the time that we have an eye for art, or that our outfits are always on point, or we have the cutest apartment decorations. We enjoy exploring aesthetics and looking at beautiful things, so we end up developing great senses of style in multiple ways. Even if we can’t afford to have all the cool and beautiful things personally, you can bet we’ve got a Pinterest board or ten that are curated to perfection.

7. We’re huge flirts.

Oops, we’re kind of guilty of being really big flirts. There’s nothing deceptive behind it at all! We definitely aren’t try to play games with people. We just have the ability to get a long with so many kinds of people and like to be playful, so we’ll end up flirting with our friends and even strangers. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re flirting at first. Also, we tend to be romantics (even if we don’t always admit it), so if we do have our eye on someone in particular, we flirt big time. We can’t help it! It might ruin our subtlety, but it’s the sacrifice we make for getting know the person better and winning their affection with our Libra charm. If a Libra woman has a crush on you, you’ll probably figure it out quickly.

8. We don’t do unnecessary drama.

If you tend to pick fights out of spur-of-the-moment feelings or rash thinking, you’re not going to get along very well with Libra women. We almost never react impulsively, and if we do we realize it quickly and fix it rather than holding on to the irrational feeling. People who want to fight just to fight or who get upset with other people for irrational reasons aren’t going to last in our circle for long. That being said, if you’re not those kinds of people, we will totally be supportive of you when you’re having problems with someone. We’re the diplomats, remember? Just don’t bring the unnecessary drama, and you’ll have a friend for life. Featured photo credit: Libra/El.lE Photography via