They see life through fresh eyes and from a totally different perspective than before. While life isn’t all easy for accident survivors they do seem to gain insights which are out of reach for the rest of us. Here’s what they have come to understand:

1. We Only Have Today

There is no more poignant a lesson to teach us about the value of living in the present than to be in a serious accident. Facing death changes us and our personalities. People who face terrible challenges usually become stronger and better able to face their new world.

2. We See Beauty All Around Us

Something we don’t notice before a trauma is that beauty is everywhere – it’s in nature, people, children, cities, galleries and so on. There are things worth seeing everywhere we go. Those who have suffered trauma don’t need to be reminded of this – they can see it clearly.

3. We May Need Support For the Rest of Our Lives

Nobody wants to be dependent on others, but it is a saddening fact for many who have serious accidents. This can be frustrating, embarrassing and downright intolerable but eventually the survivor has to accept that they are unable to do some things for themselves and so need the help of others.

4. We Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

After we’ve been through something really big we don’t worry about the smaller stuff as much. Our outlook on what the smaller stuff is can change too. Giving an important presentation would have been a big deal at one time but after a horrendous emotional and physical journey the presentation is no longer a big deal – this is a walk in the park for the survivor.

5. We Still Have Challenges – But Now it’s Rewarding Too

Many things may pose as challenges for those of us who have survived accidents: driving a car, speaking, figuring out problems – some things just don’t come as easily anymore. The silver lining to this cloud is that after such trauma we often realize that every small achievement is a reward in itself. We take great pride in our small wins.

6. We Cherish Our Family and Friends

Things we once took for granted like the love of those closest to us are embraced after a serious accident. We feel vulnerable and at the mercy of those who care for us. After an accident we understand that nothing is here ‘forever’ – that everything and everyone moves on sooner or later. This is difficult to accept but helps bring us closer to those that matter most.

7. We Know That Life is Full of Surprises

No one expects to be in a serious accident. One minute everything’s great – the next – bang, your whole life changes. You may be seriously injured or left with difficult memories to deal with. Only someone who has experienced this can understand how this impacts on your daily life. The unexpected twists can leave someone with a severe sense of uncertainty.

8. We Fear the Bad Memories Won’t Leave Us

Remembering traumatic accidents can be overwhelming and many need help to overcome these powerful thoughts. However, the darkest times will pass. Being in a very serious accident is not something we plan for. It’s not something we ever want to happen to us or our loved ones. But rest assured that while recovery is difficult, the survivor understands more about life than many of us do. They know how precious life is and what’s important and what’s not. The survivor grows stronger everyday and becomes an inspiration to us all. They become the teacher in the end.