1. “What are the next steps in the hiring process?” 

If you want the job, you will be concerned about what happens after you leave. You do not just leave without asking what will be required from you after your departure. You should be interested in the company’s willingness to interview more candidates or if they are going to end the process with you. If you are the last person to be interviewed, how soon will they be making a decision? Asking these questions prepares you for the wait after.

2. “I would really like to work for you and get this job. I have done my research and based on this, and what we have discussed, I would love to know when you will be making a decision.”

Saying you would love to know when they will be making a decision allows the hiring manage to know that you are really interested in working for them. This closing affirms that you are a good fit for the company and helps you to find out where they are in the process of making a decision.

3. “Is there anything else you will need from me before you make a decision?”

This type of closing signals your interest in wanting to work for the company. Moreover you are showing the hiring manager you are interested in uncovering more information in getting the job and your enthusiasm about the job. Your statement also proves that you are already committed to the job.

4. “Do you have any concerns of if I am the right fit for the job?”

Based on your interview, you would want to know if there are any concerns that can be discussed immediately. This question is aimed at uncovering issues that might be a reservation for the hiring manager to hire you.

5. “How well do I fit the profile of the candidate you are looking for?”

This question will help you discover if the hiring manager is comfortable with your background, skills, and experience for the job. This is also an inquiry on the hiring manager’s opinion about you.

6. “Who held this position previously?”

By saying this you are concerned about why the company is hiring you and what role you have to play for the company in getting the job. You are also concerned about who had the role before and why you are interviewed to replace that person.

7. “How would you describe the company’s culture?”

With this, you can decipher the expectations of the company and where and how you will fit in if you are ever employed for the job. It also exposes you to the reality of being an employee at the company and prepares you for future interviews for the job.

8. “What soft skills will serve the company best?”

Certainly not all information must have been given during the application process. Soft skills are highly important to the employer. They will definitely be concerned about this subject. Moreover, you are showing how relevant you can be to the company if you are hired by addressing the subject of what soft skills the employer wants. Featured photo credit: http://www.photopin.com via photopin.com