In this article, we’ll be going over a few things that actually decrease your attractiveness, how to stop before you completely sabotage your sex appeal and how to be attractive.

1. Not Enough Sleep

Who would’ve thought, right? Not enough sleep actually decreases our attractiveness. Back in 2010 researchers took photos of people who had not slept for 31 hours and those who had gotten at least 8 hours of sleep the night prior to the photos. The participants in the study then rated those in the photos on different criteria. In their conclusion, they discovered that those who had been sleep deprived actually looked less attractive, more sad, and less healthy. Although it may be hard to do because of well, life, try to make sure you’re getting your full eight hours of sleep every night to ensure you wake up refreshed every day.

2. Not Being Nice

We’ve all heard the saying, “nice guys finish last”. But is that actually true? According to science, maybe not. A 2014 Chinese study took photos of people with a neutral expression on their faces. Below the photos they would put a certain word such as decent, honest, mean or evil. In addition, other photos were not given any information at all. The study found that those with the words mean and evil under the photos were found to be less attractive by the participants rating the photos. To avoid this, it really is quite simple, just be nice. No one likes being around a person who is constantly miserable and mean to everyone. But we all are allowed to have our days where we just aren’t happy. Try doing things to boost your mood by being active or doing other activities that you find enjoyable.

3. Being overstressed

Chill out ladies, you may appear much more attractive. A 2013 study had shown that high levels of a stress hormone called Cortisol in women were found to be less attractive by men. Although there is no concrete proof to back it up, the researchers believe that high levels of Cortisol are indications of health and fertility. I know, as a woman especially, we just can’t help but stress about…everything. I think we are truly wired to think, overthink and stress about every possible little thing. Have a glass of red wine, go to the gym, practice yoga, meditate. Do it for the sake of your sex appeal, and your own well-being.

4. Where’s Your Sense Of Humor?

We hear it all the time when talking to our buddies about what we like and dislike when it comes to talking about what we are and are not attracted to. Everyone wants someone funny. I mean, if someone can’t make you laugh, what’s the point anyway? It should come as no surprise then that back in 2009 a study found that having no sense of humor, or even an average one was found to be less attractive in comparison to those with a great sense of humor. Gender absolutely doesn’t play a role here so practice up on your jokes boys and girls. You have to remember, trying too hard is a real thing though. Remember to just be yourself, you may actually be surprised as to how funny you are when you can just relax and be true to you.

5. Being Lazy

Nothing about being lazy is something either sex finds attractive. Whether it be aspirations, physical activity, what have you, it’s important to get up and get moving. Laziness and motivation go hand in hand. What you do, and what you don’t do says a lot about the type of person you are. If you choose to be lazy with yourself and your goals, one may believe that you will be lazy when it comes to a relationship. Life is beautiful and exciting, but you can’t experience it from a couch. At times, we can find ourselves in a slump where we just don’t want to do anything at all. We do just what we have to do to get by and that’s about it. It’s important though, to not remain in that stagnant state. Make a list of the things you want to get done each day a post it up somewhere where you’ll see it and cross off each thing as you complete it. There’s nothing more satisfying than completing tasks and other things that need to get done. Plan your day backwards. Act as though your day ends at 5:30 and you plan your day to get done what needs to be done in that time frame.

6. Dishonesty

This is a given. If you can’t tell the truth you’re definitely not on the right road when learning how to be attractive. A dishonest person is always viewed as a person who is unreliable. When a person is dishonest, they almost always have other negative qualities that can and surely will turn a person off. Just be honest. It’s been said that honesty is the best policy and there are fewer things truer than that.

7. Body Language

Body language can exhibit quite a few unattractive traits such as weakness, nervousness, insecurity, discomfort and more. The way you sit and stand may come off more unattractive than you realize. By standing with your arms folded you can give off an impression that you are closed off and uncomfortable. This alone can make you seem unapproachable. Research was conducted in 2016 where it was discovered that contractive body language can make you appear less attractive. Researchers used a dating app to evaluate different contractive positions. In one set of profiles, participants had their arms crossed or hunched their shoulders. In the other set of profiles, the same group of men and women had pictures taken in expansive positions, such as holding their arms in a upward position or reaching out to grab an object. The results concluded the those pictured in expansive positions were found to be more attractive. It’s important to pay attention to your body language. Make sure to stretch every day, avoid sitting down for too long, and strengthen your core muscles. All of these will help to improve your posture.

8. Being Too Proud or Happy

Being happy is a good quality to have, but according to science being too happy may actually decrease your attractiveness. Back in 2011 researchers conducted experiments on well over 1,000 men and women. They had shown them photographs of people of the opposite sex and went on to ask them how attractive the people in the pictures were. Generally speaking, women who are happy tend to appear to be more attractive, whereas women do not prefer men who are “too happy”. In addition, pride is usually more attractive on men, however men do not prefer women who look too proud.