A woman’s menstrual cycle can tell her a lot about the things that are going on in her body. Here are 8 things that your period can tell you about your current health:

1. Intense Cramping

Because cramps can start early on in a woman’s life, they may think that experiencing an intense level of cramping is normal, but it really isn’t. These kinds of cramps can be an early symptom of endometriosis, which can be a source of infertility. When your cramps rise to the level that they disrupt your life, it is important to talk to a doctor.

2. Heavy Flow

When your menstrual flow is particularly heavy, it may cause you to become anemic. Common signs of this are headaches and a lack of energy. If this is the case, your doctor can simply test your iron levels. If you are anemic, there are several simple solutions that you can implement that don’t require big lifestyle changes, but are important to your overall health.

3. Unexpected Bleeding Before or After Your Period

When you experience bleeding that takes place apart from your usual cycle, it is known as “breakthrough bleeding.” In some cases, it may be harmless, but it can also be a sign that you may have polyps within your uterus or on your cervix. When you’ve noticed this, talk to your gynecologist.

4. Missed Periods on a Regular Basis

If your periods have stopped occurring and you have gained or lost a lot of weight, it may be a sign that your body is not getting the nutrients that it needs. If you are not eating the amounts that your body needs, your cycle may stop completely. If this is the case, it is important to speak with a physician about how to best support your body.

5. Varying Levels of Period Flow

If your period is light one month and extremely heavy the next, it may be a sign that your thyroid is having difficulty in functioning correctly. The thyroid helps to regulate your hormones, and doctors can perform some simple tests to determine if this is the cause of the irregularity.

6. Individual Missed Periods

If you regularly experience abnormal or irregular periods, your body may be trying to tell you that your hormone levels are out of whack. It’s easy to have your hormone levels checked by your doctor, so talk to them early if this is a regular occurrence for you.

7. Bleeding That Starts and Stops

If your flow starts and stops during your cycle, it may be a sign of uterine cancer or a number of other conditions that may not be as drastic. However, if this symptom is coupled by intense pain when involved in sexual activity, it’s a good idea to discuss it with your doctor to determine the cause of your symptoms.

8. Discharge from the Breasts

If you have begun to experience discharge that is a creamy white color from your breasts, coupled with irregular or missed periods, it may be an early sign of a tumor on your pituitary gland. Talk to your doctor immediately if you experience this symptom, especially if you also regularly deal with headaches.

Paying Attention to Your Body

Your body will usually let you know if something is not working properly. If something doesn’t feel right, talk to your doctor about it. It can be scary to take the time to face health issues head on, but doing so in a timely manner can also make things much easier to treat or address. Your body can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Give your body your best by paying attention to the things that it is telling you and your health will show the results! Featured photo credit: Girl-woman/ Unsplash via pixabay.com