People who consistently practice gratitude keep it simple and make it something they can do each and every day. The following is a list of common thought practices used by grateful people, which you can use to guide you on your journey to greater inner gratitude.

1. Grateful People Appreciate the Small Stuff.

There is no rule that you can only be grateful for big things. Grateful people don’t wait for monumental life-changing events to happen to start practicing gratitude. Big events rarely happen, while great things are happening around us all the time. Grateful people are appreciative of life’s small daily gems.

2. Grateful People Wake Up on the Right Side of the Bed.

We’ve all woken up in a bad mood or “on the wrong side of the bed.” This is a sure way to limit gratitude in life. Grateful people make a conscious effort every morning to start the day off right. After all, your first hour of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Grateful people wake up on the right side of the bed by finding what’s right with the world and affirming that to themselves.

3. Grateful People Appreciate and Recognize Their Life as a Gift.

One of the greatest gifts we have in the world is our life and the opportunity to make it whatever we want. Grateful people recognize life as a gift and consistently remind themselves how lucky they are to be alive and have the ability to pursue their dreams. They have fun and appreciate each moment.

4. Grateful People Appreciate and Forgive Themselves.

Life isn’t always easy and there are a lot of opportunities to belittle ourselves and focus on our mistakes. Grateful people know who they are and value their strengths. They also understand that there is no such thing as perfection and easily forgive themselves if they make a mistake.

5. Grateful People End Each Day on a High Note.

Grateful people practice finding and focusing on something positive that happened to them that day. This can occur at the end of a work day or before bed. This practice of positive focus creates appreciation for the current day and excitement for the next day. It rewards positive action and also reinforces the practice of positive thoughts.

6. Grateful People Acknowledge the Positive Things Surrounding Them.

Grateful people take time to breathe and appreciate what’s around them. They are grateful for the things others may take for granted and have mastered the habit of positive recognition. This can range from something as simple as appreciating where they live to the great friends they have around them.

7. Grateful People Find the Positive Within Challenges and Struggles.

Grateful people know there is always a silver lining to every challenge. They know there is always something that can be learned or gained from adversity. They take challenging situations and find a way to be positive and grateful for the opportunity it gave them to grow.

8. Grateful People Look at Setbacks as Temporary.

People who often experience controversy or challenge view it as a global event that is here to stay. People who are grateful are realistic that life comes with challenges and accept challenges as temporary setbacks that will pass. This allows them to quickly move on to focusing on other things more deserving of their attention.