1. Set Goals

By setting and achieving goals, your inspirational life will get noticed by others and become a positive influence. Write a short, daily task list with each task helping you towards your bigger goals. Review progress towards goals on a monthly basis. If you stick to daily, manageable tasks, you’ll hit goals a lot sooner than you think.

2. Take Action

Don’t just sit there waiting for good things to happen. “The most effective way to do it, is to do it,” said Amelia Earhart. If you want to lead an inspirational life then you need to be a person of action. If you are lacking a bit of motivation then referring back to your goals and working bit by bit towards your vision should be enough to get you going again.

3. Be Creative

Being creative is not as hard as it might sound, we all have the ability to tap into creativity. If you are not sure, then try some different stuff (maybe clothes or food), challenge yourself and try new things—the creativity will flow from that. If you are still a little stumped, then have a look at this article.

4. Be Honest

When others look at your inspirational life for guidance, they will be looking for honesty. Being honest about who you are, what you do and how you go about things is always going to be better than if you try to inflate things to seem more than they are. As they say, “honesty is the best policy.”

5. Have Fun

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun and enjoy yourself. It’s very rare for others to look at a stern, staid individual and think: There is an inspirational life that I’d like. Instead, they look at those having fun and being bold when planning who to become. Laugh at jokes, don’t be too cynical, and don’t be afraid of being a bit odd. That’s because everyone is odd and funny in their own way.

6. Be Thoughtful

If you consider the welfare of others before yourself then you already have this one licked. If not, then take time out to think about how your actions in certain situations might affect others. If you would not like what you are about to do to someone to happen to you, then don’t do it! If you want to lead an inspirational life then being thoughtful and thinking how your actions will help others is incredibly important.

7. Be Consistent

Don’t blow hot and cold. This is a sure-fire way of losing that magic that inspires others. Instead, practice being consistent, as it will allow others to know what to expect from you. Ideally you will be consistently thoughtful, good, fun and honest into the bargain.

8. Practice What You Preach

Please practice what you preach. Sure, no-one is perfect, but if you want to lead an inspirational life then you cannot turn on the charm for 15 minutes and then turn it off when you are done. Instead you need to live whatever it is that makes you inspirational to others.

What do you think?

Do you have any more traits that an inspirational life should have? Do you (or do you want to) live an inspirational life? If so, add a comment below and let us know your story.