These glands, which sit right over your kidneys, have to do with energy production, fluid and electrolyte balance, and fat storage. They are also the reason you feel fatigue and gain weight during stressful times. Learning how to get rid of that fatigue can help you get back to a healthy, happier, and more energized life.

1. Eat Natural Whole Foods

Your body needs vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to run. When you deplete it of the fuel it needs, you put strain on your adrenal glands. This leads to dehydration and a slowdown in hormone production that is essential for keeping you healthy. Natural whole foods are chocked full of everything your body needs – simply eat a variety of them to make sure you get a well-balanced diet.

2. Stay Away From Junk Food

Along the same lines as eating natural whole foods, you should avoid junk food. In addition to not getting the nutrients you need, your adrenal glands have to work overtime to process the toxins in foods without much nutritional value. The harder your adrenal glands work without the fuel they need, the more tired you become.

3. Drink Plenty Of Water

More than half of your body is made up of water. Without it, your body starts to falter, especially the adrenal glands. These glands process the water to make it perfect for what your body needs. When you don’t supply the water, the adrenal glands can’t work. It signals your brain to let you know you need water, and that’s why you feel tired. It’s a little tap from the adrenal glands saying, “Hey, we need water down here!”

4. Take Vitamin C Daily

You should take 2,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day. Vitamin C is what keeps your immune system strong, which supports the functions of the adrenal glands. With properly functioning adrenal glands, your body works like a well-oiled machine. The good food and water consumed are processed efficiently to keep you running throughout your day.

5. Take Vitamin B-Complex

You probably know vitamin B-complex is good for keeping your energy up, but do you know why? Well, it supports your adrenal glands! The glands love vitamin B because it gives them the kick they need to get going at a pace that will leave you less tired.

6. Use Non-Toxic Chemical Products

When you use toxic chemical products, you end up inhaling them. Your body needs to work overtime to get those toxins out of your body. Don’t make your body work harder than it needs to, especially when you have so much to do throughout the day. Get rid of as many toxins as possible, and you’ll end up seeing where that energy has been going.

7. Get Moving Outside

Exercise is great, but it’s better when you do it outside in the sun. You end up soaking up that valuable vitamin D your body so desperately needs to convert calcium into what your bones need. It also strengthens your adrenal glands. While you’re outside, get moving to make your body stronger and leaner. You can walk, run, or go for bike rides around your community. Being active may seem counterintuitive because you’re using energy, but the more energy you use, the more your body knows how much it needs to produce. That way, you’ll have extra energy on the days you’re super busy.

8. Start Working On Your Adrenal Glands

Adrenal fatigue can be combated if you simply take better care of yourself. Your adrenal glands want you to stop making them work so hard with so little help. Eat right, avoid what sucks up your energy, and get moving more frequently. It won’t be long before you see that energy boost you so desperately wish for every day.