Productivity is a big picture thing. To be able grasp the whole concept, you must keep your eye on the details. Focus is one of the major things that affects the quality and effectiveness of work. It’s the thing that keeps you from becoming overwhelmed by every specific of the task at hand. Here are some suggestions to help you achieve optimal productivity and focus:

1. Have a good night’s sleep

Most people who work, if not all, have experienced the pain of early-morning hours with very little rest. This can make performing well a tough thing to do as your energy is easily drained. It is essential to monitor your sleeping routine. By sticking to a proper sleeping schedule you will reduce stress, improve your memory, and aid your productivity.

2. Eat right, stay healthy

Admit it, you just can’t give your full attention at work when your body feels off. This is especially true when you are hungry. The tendency is that you will look for something that keeps your stomach full and satisfied. Another case is when you have to continue working when you are feeling ill. Start planning your meals everyday and make use of multivitamins to maintain a good health and avoid these common problems.

3. Prioritize your tasks

You can’t always focus on what’s important because you might not be entirely sure of what the priority is. So, it’s best to prioritize tasks based on your target. Perhaps your target for the week is to create a report regarding a recommendation at work. First, create a checklist of what needs to be done, then classify and arrange tasks according to level of priority. There are several techniques you can use when prioritizing tasks. If you feel comfortable working with checklists, this example may work well for you.

4. Establish a deadline

The problem some people have is that they are living entirely in the now. While this is important at times, it can mean that your focus on the future can suffer. Time is one of our most precious resources, and we all know that it can feel scarce. This is why we have to take care of it by spending it wisely and appropriately. Let’s say you are asked to accomplish a task by next week. Don’t wait until the last minute. Set your sights on achieving it early— not just on time. Setting your own deadlines will heighten your productivity and lower your stress.

5. Take short breaks

If you get stuck on something, try taking a short break to refocus. This might be a 30-minute nap, organizing documents, cleaning your desk, or taking a moment to stretch. Long days at work can be exhausting. Perhaps all you need to do is to give yourself a chance to turn down the pressure so you can get back on track.

6. Avoid distractions

Sometimes, it can feel as though distractions are waiting behind every corner. Gossiping is a common scenario in the office. Who can say no to a chance to escape work for a few moments and engage in some office gossip? It’s important to remind yourself that there’s a time and a place for that. Other workplace distractions are phone calls, social media, and noise. Take measures to remove the distractions that you can, and try to build habits that allow you to focus on the task at hand.

7. Exercise regularly

Getting active can benefit not only the body but also the mind. It improves your mood and boosts your energy. As we all know, working people receive a lot of pressure from work. Creating your own exercise routine can be very important when it comes to stress reduction.

8. Create lists

Lists are powerful things. However, they can become overwhelming when not properly organized and prioritized. List categories usually include tasks, events, and notes to support your goals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Make multiple lists that can be organized into different categories. This can help you become more effective when it comes to maintaining concentration.