1. A Big Fatty Meal Before and/or After

No, it’s not good for you to scoff on a big greasy meal, but when you’re about to go out for a few beers, it could act as a bit of a lifesaver. Lining your stomach reduces the rate at which acetaldehyde (the toxin produced in the body when alcohol is broken down) is absorbed, meaning that symptoms of a nasty hangover are slowed to a crawl.

2. Booze-Water-Booze-Water-Booze-Water

That should be your pattern all night. Throwing in a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have will do wonders for keeping your hydration levels up.

3. Stay Light. Dark Drinks are the Devil

Sorry bourbon lovers, but if you don’t want your brain feeling like a peppercorn in a grinder the next day, it’s best to switch up your drink of choice. A lot of the darker alcoholic drinks contain congeners which give these drinks a rich flavour, but also give you a pounding head the next day.

4. Hit the Sack

Lack of sleep can bring even the strongest man down to his knees. Boozing seriously disrupts your sleeping patterns, and guzzling too much can knock you into such a deep sleep that you skip the REM phase. Skipping a sleep cycle can make you feel exhausted the next day, so don’t have too many and be sure to hit the sack early.

5. Milk Thistle

A herbal medicine available on the market that lines your liver, protecting it from the evil toxins of alcohol.

6.  Stick. Don’t Mix.

Mixing drinks is absolutely lethal for hangovers. Try to drink one particular drink all night and stick with it.

7.  Ease off the Caffeine

Yeah, coffee is great, but it’ll do nothing for that raging hangover the next day. Caffeine can significantly increase nausea and tremors, which means that your hangover may grow worse after a cup of joe in the morning.

8. Pop a Pill

Popping an ibuprofen in the morning is a great idea to soothe that throbbing head of yours. Your body will be thankful for it. Featured photo credit: brobible.com via i0.wp.com