Aside from these, there are many other good uses for coconut oil that will keep you and your beauty routine healthy. Here are 10 coconut oil uses that will fit right into your beauty regimen:

1. Using Coconut Oil for Hair Conditioner

Women in the olden days use coconut oil for hair care. It is known to be the secret for long, thick, and shiny locks. Even most shampoos today include coconut oil as one of their ingredients. Coconut oil gives hair intense moisture. It also fights dandruff and keeps your scalp healthy.

To condition your hair with coconut oil, simply heat the oil until it’s slightly warm before combing it through your hair. Wrap your hair with a towel or shower cap before washing it out a few hours later or the next morning. If you suffer from frizzy dry hair, you can also use coconut oil to treat it. Simply rub a little bit of coconut oil in your hand and run your fingers through your hair to smooth it over. Massage your hair through its roots and scrunch them a bit for some volume.

2. Using Coconut Oil for Lip Balm

Coconut oil makes for a wonderful lip balm. It’s nourishing, moisturizing and has this great natural coconut scent that smells good. It can also soothe chapped lips and give you soft and supple healthy-looking lips.

For dry, flaking lips mix some slightly warm coconut oil with sugar and a small drizzle with honey. Use this to very gently exfoliate your lips and rid them of dry skin. Use your finger and make a light circular motion. This concoction will leave your lips kissable and luscious.

3. Using Coconut Oil Pulling To Whiten Teeth

Coconut oil possesses anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which makes it great for treating mouth bacteria and removing plaque. It is a known technique to keep your teeth white and breath fresh. It also promotes gum health and reduces risk of tooth decay.

Coconut oil pulling is a traditional Ayurveda practice of swishing a tablespoon of oil around your mouth for a recommended period of twenty minutes or so.

 4. Using Coconut Oil as a Makeup Remover

Coconut oil is a great makeup remover because it solubilizes water-resistant substances  in various makeup products like mascaras and eye shadows. It also promotes clear skin, reduces wrinkles, and leaves your face moisturized.

For a brilliant makeup remover, dip a cotton wool pad in coconut oil and use it wipe makeup off. It removes eyeliner and mascara particularly well. As a bonus, coconut oil will seep into your eyelashes, condition them and promote growth. Cconut oil also enhances the pigmentation of your lashes and can be used to smooth down any untamed eyebrow hairs.

 5. Using Coconut Oil as a Body Lotion

Coconut oil can be used as a body lotion on its own or even added to your current body lotion. Coconut oil contains antioxidants that help reduce skin aging by fighting off free-radicals. Coconut oil works great for treating acne and eczema.

Simply apply a tablespoon coconut oil and mix it with your current body lotion. Best applied after a hot bath or shower, coconut oil will lock the moisture into your skin. It helps soothe irritation, heal bites and scratches leaving your skin soft and smooth

6. Using Coconut Oil as a Shaving Cream

Coconut oil as a shaving cream will moisturize skin and prevent razor burns.  When applied with aloe vera, it can also make your skin smooth and reduce rash and irritation.

Apply a teaspoon of coconut oil per leg after bath or shower and use as a shaving cream. The oil will prevent any rough friction from your razor as well as help soften the hair for a smooth shave. You don’t have to worry about using too much of the oil as any left-over oil will act as a moisturizing after-shave!

7. Using Coconut Oil for cuticles

Coconut oil as nail cuticles will help strengthen your nails and even have anti-aging effects to your hands. This is due to the antioxidants that will help reduce the appearance of age spots and wrinkles.

Use coconut oil as, or mixed into, your hand lotion and apply. Massage the oil into your hands paying special attention to your cuticles and nails.

8. Using Coconut Oil as Body Scrub

Coconut oil can also be a great exfoliating body scrub that will keep your skin moisturized and feeling young and fresh.

To make an exfoliating body scrub simply mixes coconut oil with either some sugar, sea salt or a mixture of the two. You can also add lemon and honey or any essential oils for a great smelling scrub that will leave your skin nourished and glowing. Other variations include adding freshly crushed lavender to the scrub, olive oil or vanilla extract.

9. Using Coconut Oil for Foot Scrub

You can also use coconut oil for foot scrub. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities of coconut oil will keep your feet free of any fungi. The scrub exfoliates and softens the sole of your feet. It will also treat dry cracked heels.

Using the coconut oil gently scrub it on your feet and between the toes. You can use this as treatment for athlete’s foot. Experts recommend scrubbing foot with coconut oil at least once a week.

It’s clear that coconut oil can do it all. From conditioned, silky locks to beautifully soft feet: coconut oil is truly a girl’s best friend. Adding this ingredient to your beauty routine is not only an affordable choice but a very smart one.

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