1. Telekinesis

Telekinesis is basically a power or ability to control the physical world with the power of your mind. It’s like moving a particular object without even touching it, but just by thinking about it. A common belief is that psychokinesis works by energy fields or by some sort of “waves” of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push an object or control it. There are many ways to put your telekinetic abilities into practice. One basic way is to concentrate on an object and thinking of your goal i.e. moving object, which gives the energy or waves to move that object (as per the belief mentioned above). It’ll take time to get the desired result nevertheless it could be worth it.Telekinesis is sometimes also referred as psychokinesis, mind-over-matter or object manipulation.

2. Hypnotism

Hypnotism is the process through which the hypnotist bypasses your conscious mind and connects directly with your sub-conscious mind. It is used for many purposes like getting someone to stop smoking, treating phobias, increasing confidence and self-esteem or motivating someone. It is necessary to point out that hypnotism is pure science and it has nothing to do with black magic or something. You can learn more about hypnotism at sites like:http://www.miltonericksonhypnosis.com or http://stealth1.secrets-101.com. Although it is tough to learn, it can be useful in everyday living. 3. Telepathy Telepathy is a common power possessed by every human being. It is sending a message from one person to another, beyond any medium(excluding mind). We, in everyday life, many a times come across through situations when we are remembering someone or are wishing to talk to someone and at that moment itself that person calls us. Which is a practical example of telepathy. It is not a big deal to practice telepathy. There is one common game which can help you improve your telepathic skills. What you have to do is, tell your friend to think about any random number from 1 to 10 (being in same room) and you concentrate on his mind and try to catch what he is thinking. Take your time. Take the first number which comes to your mind and compare the number with the number which your friend thought about. This will increase telepathic communication between You and your friend. You can increase your game level by increasing the number from 1-10 to 1-100 and so on. Also, you can be at far distance rather being in same room and practice it. It is easy to do and you can easily improvise your telepathic skills by practicing it more often.

4. Psychomancy

Psychomancy is one of the most interesting psychic ability found very rare, used to see past of any object. Practically it is used by psychics hired by police and detectives when a object is found of a missing person, so that they could know about that person by knowing the past of that object.As this ability is rare, its hard to learn.

5. Clairsentience

Clairsentience which means clear sensing, is ability to sense past/future, positive/negative energy,emotional state of a person or object by just watching or touching them.Many people have this ability without consciously knowing it. They feel good or bad about a new person they just met, or a house they recently visited, or a thing they are going to purchase.

6. Astral Projection or Third eye

Astral projection is an experience in which soul leaves the physical body and travel through the astral plane.It allows you to visit places or people far away from you without physically going there. There is a myth that practicing astral projection is dangerous. But as I said, it is a myth. Visit : http://themindunleashed.org/2013/06/20-astral-projection-myths-busted.html for more.

7. Aura Reading

Aura is a Greek-Latin word which means “hue of air” or “shine”. Aura, basically, is a shine or color surrounding each living as well as non-living thing. Your aura shows your emotional/physical qualities, positive/negative feelings, thoughts, past/future and many more things. You can learn and practice reading your own and as well as others auras.

8. Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is the most basic and easiest yet most powerful technique. Many people must know about the movie and book The Secret which tells you every basic thing about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction simply says that “What you think is what you get”. It is a universal truth that what you ask for is what you get whether it is positive or negative. Because your conscious mind only knows the difference between negative and positive. However, the part of your mind which helps you to get what you’ve thought is the sub-conscious mind and it oesn’t know the difference between them. So, it is essential to never think negative or you’ll be served with what you’ve thought. If you want to practice, first of all you have to relax your self for 5 to 10 minutes. Then meditate on it, concentrate on it, feel it, you must feel like the goal is already achieved,  enjoy the achievement, and show some gratitude for it. Then keep doing this until the goal is achieved.

9. Déjà Vu

Déjà vu which means “already seen” is the phenomenon of having strong sensation of having already seen or already felt the event or experience you are going through. For example, sometimes you are in a deep conversation with your friend and suddenly feel like you’ve been through this before or sometimes you visit a place for a first time and you feel like you’ve been there before.This feeling or urge you have is “Déjà vu”. There is a belief that you experience it if you’ve been there or talked like that in your previous life. Featured photo credit: self hypnotism via pixabay.com