A true leader is not defined by authoritative influence, for leadership and dictation are two very different things. Rather, a leader is a person who is willing to take action. A true leader creates his/her own destiny, irrespective of the social constraints that may pose a formidable barrier to success. They do not wait for things to come; they make them happen. And when opportunities refuse to knock . . . they build a door. The world had seen many great leaders, none of whom were necessarily “born for greatness” but all of whom share common qualities. These are the qualities that are typical of effective leadership, and that any aspiring leader should work to develop so as to inspire others and achieve results:

Great Leaders Are Persistent

Dedication is perhaps the most fundamental key to success. A great leader maintains persistence in the face of adversary, and always knows how to use self discipline in order to get ahead. No leader ever accepted defeat as a final outcome. Defeat is simply an education, and the first step to something better. Never underestimate the power of consistency.

Great Leaders Motivate Others

Motivation is a stimulant which can not be overlooked. All great leaders know how to inspire action, and sometimes a positive attitude is all it takes to get the ball rolling. In many ways, optimism is what lies at the roots of true leadership, and is critical to the maintenance of collective productivity.

Great Leaders Work Well With Others

Great leaders recognise the value of synchronicity, and moreover, the power inclusivity. They surround themselves with highly skilled people who complement their own skills and emulate their ambitions and personal values. By investing in mutually beneficial relationships, they expand their domain and create a stimulating workplace that allows for maximum productivity.

Great Leaders Ask Questions

Great leaders are always prepared to acknowledge room for improvement. What can be done better? How do I improve? The capacity for acquired knowledge is infinite.

Great Leaders Make Decisions

No great leader ever sat on the fence. Great leaders commit to decisions and are always prepared take the appropriate risks at the right time.

Great Leaders Master The Art Of Communication

A great leader is articulate and succinct in the delivery of his/her message. They generate activity, not through the issuing of commands, but by offering guidance and support. They enunciate their performance expectations and are always clear about rules and expectations. By keeping the lines of communication open, great leaders ensure that all group members feel able to make contributions and receive recognition for their achievements

Great Leaders Share What They Know

Knowledge is not a private prerogative. People respect a leader who doesn’t keep them in the dark. Collective awareness is the key to social justice and respect.

Great Leaders Share Their Power

Power is not a badge or a medal, and cannot be identified as a tangible entity. True power lies within the act of compassion, and the equal distribution of opportunities amongst others. Great leaders share their power and celebrate their influence by using it to help those in need, rather than those in want.

Great Leaders Share Their Time

Great leaders place an emphasis on magnanimity. They spend time listening to feedback and are always responsive to the group’s needs, and ready to offer support and assistance. Good leaders will always express sincere care and concern for all members of their group. Featured photo credit: Obama/pixabay via pixabay.com