A blood transfusion will be done in patients, to increase the blood count. As a matter of fact, in the majority of situations, the probability of a blood transfusion-linked to surgery are rare. Sometimes, patients might need the blood products. So, it’s always recommended to consult a doctor before any blood transfusions. Otherwise, it may be risky. A lot of people don’t understand the fact that you’re confined by time and health factors, when it comes to blood transfusions. So, consult the doctor as soon as possible and start the procedure. Let’s take an example; when friends and family members donate blood for a patient (direct donors), the laboratory asks them to give at least a week earlier, to allow sufficient time for testing and labeling. As we all know that the safest blood products are your own, but in case you need to transfuse, this must be your lowest risk choice. Sadly, the physicians only prefer to use this option when they have to do the elective surgery of the patient. In other cases, the patient can’t donate blood because of the acute need for blood. Even though, you can refuse to have a blood transfusion as it may cause serious consequences. If you’re a parent of a child and you have to take a decision on blood transfusion for your child, then always keep in mind that the doctors will always decide by your child’s well-being and it’s entirely up to the medical care standards. It has nothing to do with the religious beliefs. Discuss everything in detail with your child’s doctor and take an action, which is in the best interest of your child.

Possible Blood Transfusion Symptoms

There’s a possibility that the patient will have the symptoms such as itching, shortness of breath, chills or fever during a blood transfusion. In this case, alert the donor immediately.

Facts about Life-Sustaining Blood Transfusion

Here are some of the facts regarding life sustaining blood transfusion;

1. Lifesaver

Blood transfusions can be a life-saving measure for the recipient. It can be done to save the life of the recipient, who might be an anemic patient or has lost the blood through bleeding during surgery. Make sure your doctor will use the best vein illuminator for the procedure.

2. Voluntary Donations

The Blood donation occurs when a person gives blood voluntarily, which is readily available and used for transfusions. Donations might be of whole blood, or the components can be separated with the help of fractionation.The collection process is mainly done by the blood banks. If properly tested, it will be safe for the patient.

3. Least Chances Of Getting infected

The contracting infection possibilities from a blood transfusion is slight. It varies starting from 1 in 400,000 to 1 in 10,00,000. So, you don’t need to worry about getting diseases. The blood banks properly test the blood before transfusing it to the patients.

4. Safest Blood Transfusion

Autologous blood transfusion, is usually the safest option but it needs proper planning and every patient is not eligible for this. It can just be done for elective surgery.  Discuss everything in detail with your doctor, before finalizing your decision regarding blood transfusion. It is in the best interest of your child.

5. Blood Conservation

The fundamental aspect, which limits the transfusion requirements are the blood conserving techniques. When it comes to the blood conservation, it’s a beneficial process for both surgical and medical patients. If you’re a surgical patient, then the blood conservation starts at the time when surgery is booked till the operation and the recovery process.

6. Collection Authority

The established blood banks do the safe blood collection, testing and storage. Blood banks collect the whole blood or separate the components with the help of fractionation.The collection process is mainly done by the blood banks. If properly tested, it will be safe for the patient.

7. Blood Type

There are 4 types of blood type, i.e. A, B, AB and O. Genes, which you inherit from your parents will determine your blood group. People who have O- blood type are considered as universal donors, as it can be transfused to everyone.

8. Blood Products Transfusion

In most of the cases, the patient doesn’t require ‘whole blood transfusion’ but needs specific blood products, such as red blood cells. The blood components can be separated by the blood banks, with the help of a process known as fractionation, mentioned earlier in the article.

9. Directed Donor Blood

With the help of directed donor blood, the patient will be able to get blood from known donors. For a safe and secure transfusion, you have to make sure that the doctor who is going to transfuse verifies your name, and it must match with the blood to be transfused. In addition to your name, the birth date is usually the second identifier, which helps to assure that the blood is transferred to the right person. Featured photo credit: CIDRAP provides advice via cidrap.umn.edu