1. Practice, Practice, Practice (And Then Practice Some More)

Call up a friend and set up a mock job interview. Have them ask the toughestinterview questions. Repeat. Repeat so many times that you can confidently answer even the most difficult question in your sleep. Thoroughly review the job description and research the company to be well prepared.

2. Be Confident

Your resume stood out from the crowd enough that you got the call-back. Remember this as you prepare and meet the interviewer. As you enter, think of someone you admire, and consider their qualities. Recall how this person comports themselves, how they walk, talk, and greet others. Remember how that person exudes self-confidence and you will do the same.

3. Understand that This Too Shall Pass

Getting nervous is normal, this is an important achievement and just like anyone else you want to do well. Remember that the interviewer would not have called you in if you were not considered to be a good fit for the company. You have a great deal to offer the company and it is their loss if they should decide otherwise. Think positively about your job interview.

4. Stay Calm, All is Well

You can fool your brain into believing that all is well. When you act like everything is fine, surprising your brain believes your action. Be confident,and your brain and body will respond. Stand up straight and look each interviewer in the eye. Remember to take deep breaths, and relax. The company was interested enough in you to call you back, after all.

5. Treat Yourself to Your Favorite Breakfast

Get plenty of rest the night before. You want to put your best step forward. Don’t allow yourself to go to the job interview on an empty stomach. Enter in bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and full of energy, not dragging. Show the interview team you are prepared to tackle the toughest task. Enter and exit with a winning smile.

6. Just Take It Easy

Just take it easy it’ll all be over soon. Every terrifying moment you spend in the interview room is a glorious moment to release. Relax. You have studied. You are prepared. A trick to help you relax: keep your hands under the table, when appropriate, and rub the flesh between the first finger and the thumb in a circular motion. Keep smiling, you’re almost done.

7. Let Your Personality Shine Through

Up to this point, all the interviewer knows about you is what has been seen on a piece of paper. In the “Tell me about yourself” portion in the interview, it is the time to let your personality shine through. Talk about how your core values are a match for the company. Askthe interviewer about his or her career during the question part of the interview, or share a passion that you have outside of work.

8. Don’t Be In A Hurry

Take your time. The interviewers usually allot about an hour. Take this time to highlight your career, give tips on how you would improve the company, and discuss what is so special about your career. Think about your answers, even if you have rehearsed ahead of time. Pause before you answer. This makes it appear as though you are thoughtful, but not struggling during the conversation.

9. Offer Your Assets

The company is seeking the best qualified candidate for the job. That person is you. An interview is basically the “kick the tires” stage. The interviewer wants to know if you are the person with the best solution. Your job is to “make it so” and convey the type of assistance you and only you can offer the company.

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