I’ve outlined the nine most useful ways to pump success back into your life, which is plenty of opportunity to write your own success story. No particular order applies to the following.

1. Spend 30 Days Documenting Your Every Movement

A journal that you record daily events such as encounters, failures, successes and thoughts can assist you to making proper adjustments in future situations. We can always learn more about ourselves if we’re consistently reminded of what we’ve endured thus far. For thirty days, summarize what specifically you’re doing; right or wrong really doesn’t matter as it’s an honest account of your daily activities that matters most.

2. Find A Guide

Everyone trekking down the illustrious path towards success needs a guide who can be there, via phone or some other method of communication. Your ideal guide has been down your path or one similar to yours and can provide needed guidance should you seek it. Yes, this can be a family member or a friend; the most important aspect of this method is finding someone who’s fallen on his ass and found his way back. Why? He’s doing something (or several somethings) you’re not.

3. Perform A Fearless Moral Inventory

Sounds like an AA/NA step, right? Well, it is.  Except you’ll substitute an addictive substance for your moral, financial, or spiritual bankruptcy. Be honest with yourself; whether you’re a saint or not, write down how so and why. Be specific in notating what led you down this path. The more forthcoming you are with the dictation of your entire life’s failures, the better angle you’ll give yourself when improving your unsuccessful ways. Just remember, friends, a business that doesn’t track inventory will eventually go broke.

4. Budget Downtime Into Your Daily Routine

Humans become weary after long uninterrupted stints of effort. You may not necessarily be physically tired, but you can be emotionally worn out. Therefore, a respectable amount of “me time” gives you the opportunity to recuperate for the next day. It’s an ingenious tool which equates to taking a time-out in football; failure wants to smash through your defense, which means you’ll need to formulate an offensive plan to score a victory.  This allocated time, spent whenever you have the most mental energy, allows you to formulate a more well-rounded offensive strategy based off what’s failed prior to your current day. Downtime, in other words, gives each day’s events an equivocal amount of purpose and sustenance.

5. Nourish Your Body, Mind and Soul

In order to have the necessary physical or mental energy to carry forth your ‘success mission’, you need some form of nourishment – this can come in the form of foodstuffs, literature, or some type of tribulation that could challenge your mental or physical prowess to advance well beyond your normal capacities. Believe it or not, some of today’s more widely known success coaches, billionaires, and thought leaders not only read often, they meditate and consume foods indicative to clean bodies such as juice diets and a good balance of the recommended daily allowance of nutrients.

6. Know What You Want, Not What Others Want For You

It’s noteworthy to mention how so many times in life we’re consumed with the desires of others. By no means is success defined as what your family pushes you to accomplish; don’t feel obliged to live their fantasy. Don’t walk through life holding someone else’s dreams or unfinished missions, and don’t be fooled into thinking you’re wrong for denying requests to become a doctor, football player, or cheerleader solely based off what your friends or parents couldn’t accomplish themselves. We’ve enough politicians morally bankrupting the American Dream; don’t let outside influences ruin your dream!

7. Ask Questions Often

Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions, receive criticism, and ask even more questions. Record the answers. Presenting questions, theories, and arguing with individuals could be just enough for you to gain valuable insight that wasn’t available before. What do I do if someone tells me to ‘bug off‘? Ask someone else, my friend. Then stop dwelling on the ‘what if’s in life.

8. Flip Status Quo The Bird

Can you honestly say everything society tells us about righteous living and pro-social interaction is correct? Is success really a measure of how fat our checking and IRA accounts are? If you honestly believe hogwash mass media puts into your mind, you’ll never enjoy the true meaning of freedom, let alone success. Give status quo a nice throat punch and work towards goals that better your situation (called YMMV, or your mileage may vary, in internet ebonics). Forget those actions which are recommended by professionals (many which will admit they’re unhappy) and study the path of those who took chances in order to enjoy success.

9. LOL More Than You SMH

Are you sharing miserable news more than funny memes on social media? What percentage of conversations have you laughing as opposed to mudslinging? Much can be said about our own walks simply by our engagement level in conversations, our social media habits, and our quickness towards judging others as opposed to uplifting them. Reader’s Digest didn’t lie when they chose to develop their 2-3 page joke column entitled Laughter, The Best Medicine. Consistent negativity is often waving a white flag; instead, the more you find yourself laughing out loud with others, the less stress you tend to harbor.


While many people begin down the path toward success unprepared and inevitably fail, an increasing number of individuals from all walks and ages become a burgeoning success in their personal journeys simply by planning instead of expecting, and by listening and learning rather than talking and doubting. Accomplishment is work; success is earned. Featured photo credit: Defining Success in Your Career / Dress for Success via blog.dressforsuccess.org