The trick is first to put your thinking straight about what being single or in a relationship truly means, and second to adopt a constructive behavior. This simple Valentine’s guide for singles will show you exactly how.

1. Know you’re not alone

On Valentine’s Day, it’s common for a single to feel like they’re the only single person out there and everybody else is with their significant other. However, that’s just an illusion, largely created by all the emphasis put on couples on Valentine’s Day through a variety of communication channels: articles, billboards, commercials, gossip, etc. The reality is that there are a lot of single people out there. Being single does not make you an exception. It actually makes you a member of a large segment of the population, which is steadily getting larger. This is something important to bear in mind.

2. Don’t romanticize being in a relationship

Another tendency to be on a lookout for is the tendency to feel like you’re worse off than others simply because you’re single. This is what happens when you assume that a relationship per se makes your life better. An idea that’s much closer to the truth is that whether a relationship makes your life better or not depends entirely on the person the relationship is with and on its dynamic. Believe me, there are plenty of people in relationships that make them feel miserable and take away more than they add to their life. It’s in your grasp to have a happy and fulfilling life as a single. All you need to do is recognize the wide range of options you have to make yourself happy and to employ them. This leads me to my next point.

3. Do something for yourself

You may not have a significant other in your life, but you do have yourself. As a single person, Valentine’s Day is a good moment to remind yourself that you are important to you. How? By doing things you enjoy. The last thing you want to do is to stay at home and sulk for being single. Instead, reflect on the things you enjoy the most that don’t entail a relationship and how you can make some of them happen fast. Then, make them happen. Maybe you want to go to a spa, or get a massage, or buy yourself some nice clothes, or watch a movie. Anything that gives you pleasure goes. As a rule of thumb, the more you take care of your needs, the less you feel the necessity for somebody else in your life. You may still seek that person, but without feeling a desperate requirement for them.

4. Mingle with other singles

Valentine’s Day is not an all couples day; or at least not anymore. Because there is a plethora of singles who don’t want to be ignored on this day, a growing wave of events and activities for singles on Valentine’s has emerged. More often than not, I’m single on Valentine’s Day. And I can tell you from experience that there is no shortage of single people out on this day, dancing, partying, socializing, drinking and having fun. There are even bars and clubs that have special singles’ nights or parties on Valentine’s Day, urr, Night. So, get in touch with some of your single friends, go out and enjoy yourselves. If you don’t have single friends, this is an excellent moment to make some. For instance, you can go to a singles’ event or something and meet other singles. On this day, they’ll be particularly excited to meet new people.


The way I see it, whether you’re single or in a couple, Valentine’s Day is a festive occasion and an excellent time to have fun. At the end of they day, it’s not your relationship status that makes the real difference in your life or on this day. Rather, it’s your ability to capitalize on any type of situation and to live with passion. So, whether you’re single or in a relationship, have a happy Valentine’s Day! (Photo credit: Valentines Day background with hearts via Shutterstock)

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