Their solution…

more time in the class room more classes in general better textbooks better teacher training programs raise performance standards

Unfortunately they are wrong. In my opinion Jean Piaget (the late) was not a great psychologist. However, hid he did have phenomenal powers of observation. What did he observe? People increase their knowledge base and comprehension (ie learn) when they touch and manipulate tactile items. Frank Wilson is the neurologist who wrote the book, “The Hand, How Its Use Shapes the Brain.” He said, “Humans were designed to build their brains by using their hands.” Sounds a lot like Piaget doesn’t it? Unfortunately, inactivity is creating mass brain power atrophy in America. A Kaiser Family Foundation study found that children spend less than 1.5 hours a day doing physical activity. What is the result of a person who grows up with such a limited physical activity base? In an interview with a Meridith Corporation magazine reporter an MIT professor spoke about engineering students who didn’t know which way to turn a screw to tighten it (Hello! Righty tighty, lefty loosey). Take steps to protect your intellectual prowess and boos your brain power with the following activities. Reg Adkins writes on behavior and the human experience at (