All of us must decide, at various points over the course of our lives, whether or not to let go of something or someone that is making us unhappy. Whether it’s a toxic partner, an unhealthy job, or an irredeemable friendship, there are times when you have to let go and move on. If you have recently taken the brave step of letting go of a situation or individual that was doing you no favors, congratulations! Your life is about to seriously improve. Here’s how and why.

Your True Self Can Re-emerge

Staying in an unhealthy situation, such as a destructive relationship, can change you — and not for the better. Toxic relationships and job roles have a habit of forcing us to bend our personalities, dreams, and desires out of all recognition just to keep the peace. When you give yourself permission to leave, your real self can re-emerge once more. Your life will feel more authentic.

The Feeling Of Freedom Will Be Immense

Sometimes, you don’t realise just how trapped you have been feeling until you let go. For instance, you may have stayed in an unfulfilling friends group for years, just from habit or fear of being unable to find new friends. When you allow yourself to admit that such situations are not benefitting you psychologically, a huge weight will be lifted. You may feel nervous at first, but you will feel free!

You Will Have Space For Your Old Passions

Worrying about the same situation or relationship on a daily basis is very time consuming and energy draining. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much space will open up in your life for old interests and passions once you remove yourself from a toxic or unhelpful situation.

You Will Reconnect With Your Friends

Not only will you have more time for old passions when you let go of whatever or whoever it was that was holding you back, you will also find yourself more likely to engage with the most important aspects of your life. This includes your friendships. The time and effort you were previously expending on fretting about that which you have now let go of can be channeled into strengthening connections with old friends as well as expanding your social group to include new people.

Your Personal Productivity Will Skyrocket

Letting go is empowering. In doing so, you demonstrate to yourself that you are competent, can make positive decisions, and have your own best interests at heart. This, combined with your newly freed-up energy, will boost your productivity both at home and at work. Your self-image will get a drastic upgrade!

You Can Look Forward To The Future

Once you have stopped devoting precious mental resources to analysing an unhealthy situation or individual, you can start to look proactively towards the future. Rather than ruminating on what has been and gone, you will start to think about the glorious possibilities that await you.

One Day, You’ll Forget What You Were Holding Onto

It may seem hard to believe at the beginning, but in time you will truly move on from whatever it was that was holding you back. Letting go is an emotionally fraught process — especially if the relationship, job, or other cause of your difficulties was a major part of your life or identity. It is important to realise that learning to let go is one of the most important life skills you can master. Once you have the ability to identify unhealthy elements in your life and to move on, you will have taken a vital step towards maximising your health and fulfilling your potential.