1. Patience

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that patience is a virtue. Not only is it a virtue, it is one of the most important virtues one can possess. Especially in times of crisis. Demonstrating patience can be the difference between getting caught in the middle of the storm or seeking refuge and restrategizing until the storm blows over. Circumstances may not be ideal, they may even be catastrophic. But if you’ve already done all that you can do, the only thing left to do is to trust your survival instincts and patiently wait as the world revolves around you. Don’t rush into making decisions. Let thing’s play themselves out. When opportunity presents itself to you, seize the moment!

2. Timing

Patience and timing go hand-in-hand with one another. By demonstrating good patience, opportunity will eventually arise. Once that opportunity does arise, it is solely your responsibility to recognize and take advantage of it. That is when timing truly becomes everything. We, as humans, should always be honing this virtue. Timing can virtually affect every aspect of your life, from relationships, to health, to work, to finances, to whatever you can name; timing impacts it. Timing is often overlooked and some embrace tardiness as almost a social norm. Let me ask you this; how trustworthy is the person that is constantly late, says or does inappropriate things at inappropriate times, or doesn’t know when to seal the deal?

3. Confidence

Confidence is widely known as the most attractive quality one can possess. Why is that? Because confidence is believing in yourself. Confidence is trusting yourself. There is nothing more appealing than someone who believes in themselves. When you exude confidence, who’s going to doubt your abilities? Having the confidence in knowing that everything will be alright as opposed to casting doubt can literally help change the way your body performs. Studies have proven that self-confidence directly correlates with performance. Instead of worrying and doubting your abilities, remember that you’ve made it through 100% of your bad days. Know that you will be able to handle whatever is coming your way. Even if the situation is out of your control, have confidence that things will eventually work out. Have confidence in your faith. Have confidence in humanity. Regardless of what happens, don’t lose confidence. Having confidence will give you strength and courage in times where it may be lacking.

Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Unfortunately, pain and suffering will always be a part of life. The good news is that since information is available at our fingertips, new treatments and techniques to manage pain and suffering will always surface. Honing these three virtues will not guarantee invincibility (nothing is guaranteed, except death and taxes). But when you develop and strengthen these virtues—which every human possesses– your perception will change, emotions will be easier to manage, and you will suffer less anxiety. I could almost guarantee that developing these three virtues would be life changing, but you know my stance on guarantees. Instead of taking my word for it, why don’t you try it for yourself? You have nothing to lose and the world to gain!