Jobs still require human input

The Martin Oxford School’s report didn’t estimate the total number of jobs facing the risk of automation. Additionally, some of the jobs facing the risk of automation might not be automated because of technical, societal and economical reasons. For instance, an airline pilot may be a very easy job to automate. This is because computers fly planes most of the time. However, people will still need the reassurance of a human pilot on their plane. Similarly, the Oxford report estimates a 92 percent probability of bicycle repairing being automated. However, automating this kind of a job can prove to be very difficult and expensive, making automation uneconomical.

Technology can create employment

It is prudent to put into consideration how much working weeks will change in the coming decades. Most developed countries have witnessed the total number of work per week hours decreasing significantly since the industrial revolution began. For instance, the average working week in the U.S. has reduced from approximately 60 hours to only 33. Some other developed countries like Germany have even shown lower working hours per week. This makes it harder to predict the number of people facing the risk of unemployment in the coming decades. Other reports show that by 2050, nearly half of the jobs held by people today will be lost to robots. Additionally, the machines will be able to perform most of these jobs faster and better compared to humans. According to professionals, the world is headed toward a time when robots will outperform humans in almost all tasks. However, experts advise of the importance of confronting this danger before it really takes place. If robots are able to do all the work done by humans today, people need to find out what they can do about this. If machines take over for humans, humanity might face its biggest test ever, which is uncovering the true what it really means to be a person. Some reports have shown that the pace at which artificial intelligence is progressing is increasing by the day. Therefore, people need to find out how they can deal with this reality fast. Additionally, technology has progressively been driving up inequality in incomes as the total number of white collar jobs is increasing. Soldiers, drivers, and waiters could have themselves replaced by machines in the coming years. Last year, artificial intelligence reports predicted that the total number of service androids could hit the 31 million mark by 2018.


Artificial Intelligence has been showing some invaluable progress over the past years, and it might soon take over drivers’, waiters’ and soldiers’ jobs. Although machines may eliminate the need to have human input in workplaces, professionals have predicted that technology will create additional opportunities for people. Additionally, it will increase a person’s ability to perform on the job. But there is need to learn new skills to ensure that people fit in the new job market. Most importantly, people should figure out what they will do in case their job is taken over by robots, as experts foresee the possibility of artificial intelligence causing more disparities in income distribution and a significant decline in blue collar jobs.