All of us have been a victim of an illness at some point in our lives. Moreover, it is likely that we will get sick again in the future. Our best chances of avoiding sickness are by using good hygiene, exercising, and employing good dietary habits. A holistic approach is required to maintain a good state of health. While good hygiene and exercise serve as obvious advice to most people, eating healthy is not always obvious. Furthermore, most people have their own definitions of the word, healthy. Some people have created their definition based on advice from family, friends, or health professionals. Alternatively, others have formed their definition based on speculation or ignorance. If you cannot define “healthy”, then your immune system will be happy to tell you. The immune system is the foundation of our health. It works for us every day to keep us well. Ask yourself: “Are you making its job easier or harder?” Like any system, the immune system is no different. It has a tolerance too. If you eat unhealthy on a consistent basis, your immune system will make you aware of it. Dosing yourself with drugs in an attempt to feel better will cause more consequences in the long term. So, I would not recommend it. Take a step in the right direction by incorporating these eight immune-boosting foods in your diet.

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are an immune-boosting food that contains substantial amounts of fiber, protein, calcium, and B vitamins. The immune system feeds off of the beta-glucans, which are powerful compounds that enhance immunity in a similar way as echinacea. Recipe: Mushroom & Onion Soup

2. Garlic

Garlic is probably one of the best immune-boosting foods out there. It is a natural alternative to synthetic antibiotics since it is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal. Furthermore, garlic has also been shown to lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. Recipe: Garlic Bread

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon does not only have an amazing taste, but it also serves an amazing purpose. The seasoning lowers blood sugar and removes toxins from the body. It is also an antimicrobial agent that has been found to kill E. Coli and many other types of bacteria. Recipe: Sweet & Savory Sweet Potatoes

4. Broccoli

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are good foods to help detoxify the body naturally. It contains the amino acid, choline, which helps to maintain a healthy gut. Also, it is high in Vitamin C, a vitamin known for its immune-boosting properties. Recipe: Broccoli With Melted Cheese

5. Yogurt

Like milk, yogurt also does a body good. It contains Vitamin D and probiotics, which both help boost the immune system. If you want to get the maximum benefit from yogurt, it is best to buy an unflavored kind. Recipe: Breakfast To-Go Yogurt With Granola

6. Blueberries

This small fruit packs a punch. It is very high in antioxidants compared to other fruits. While most fruits are known to have a lot of sugar, blueberries are actually one of the exceptions. So, eat them generously. Recipe: Blueberries & Almonds

7. Avocados

This primary guacamole ingredient does not disappoint regarding health benefits. It has essential fatty acids, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. It also contains lycopene and beta-carotene, both antioxidants that fight off free radicals. Recipe: Egg & Avocado Wrap

8. Spinach

Did you ever wonder why Popeye always ate spinach? Spinach is rich in folic acid and Vitamin C, which are both known to boost immunity. It is also an excellent source of potassium and magnesium, two minerals that keep the body hydrated and keep energy levels balanced. Recipe: Breadless Burger

Did You Know?

Did you notice that six out of the eight foods listed are fruits and vegetables? Did you notice that seven out of the eight mentioned recipes include at least one fruit or vegetable? It should not be a surprise. Now, do you see why your parents were telling you to eat your fruits and vegetables? Mesothelioma Help (an organization dedicated to helping mesothelioma patients) discovered that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce cancer recurrence. Most fruits and vegetables are not only rich in nutrients but tasty too. So, why not incorporate these immune-boosting foods into your diet? Are you encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables now? Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

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