Waking up with Bambi like eyelashes is hard. However, with these steps you may be able to. Go ahead and try for yourself. You will be surprised!

1. Condition your lashes

By applying cold-pressed unrefined oil such as marula or castor oil from the roots to tips, you thereby strengthen your eyelashes. Both marula and castor oil hydrate the lashes, but notably castor oil helps lashes grow longer. Use a clean finger to coat the lashes with the oils or use a spoolie brush into the oil and swipe. Do whatever works for you and is best for you.

2. Use a lash growth serum

The average lash growth cycles last from 30 to 60 days. If lashes are dry and fragile, then lashes can fall out prematurely. Using RevitaLash or GrandeLeash-MD, noted growth serums, help prevent both breakage and brittleness.

3. Take a type of B-vitamin known as Biotin

Biotin helps promote strong hair, skin, and nails. Talking to your doctor, if you are curious, can be the quick fix for you. Vitamins are crucial for all parts to the body. So, why is the eyelashes an exception? There is not. So, start taking vitamins for eyelashes as well. They can help you do wonders with them. That is the truth.

4. Before applying mascara, curl your lashes

When applying mascara, if you curl your lashes after doing so, there is a great risk that you can get your lashes stuck to the curler. Hereby, your lashes get pulled out after you release the curler. Additionally, if you do not properly clean out the mascara you use at night, and try curling the lashes next morning, your lashes become dry and brittle. Your lashes as a result can break if you try to curl them. Curling your eyelashes when clean and free of make up is the best option for you.

5. Use a blow-dryer to heat curler

Using a blow-dryer to heat helps the eyelashes curl easily and makes the shape hold for a longer period of time. Blowing warm air onto the curler directly using the blow dryer is the first step to take. Next, you have to wait until it cools slightly and curl your lashes. This is a trick as if you would curl your hair with a curling iron.

6. Rotate the curler

Rotating the curler gives an intense look. Rotating the angle of the curler also gives you a big curl. You can do this by clamping the lashes at the base, pressing the curling, and holding the lashes for a few seconds.

7. Do not pump more than twice

Pumping your lash curler more than two times is not beneficial to your eyelashes. It is said that doing this can make them look indented and crippled as opposed to “curled.”

8. Use a moisturizing mascara

Lashes are hydrated when you use a moisturizer that keeps your mascara fully hydrated. Trying Rodial GlamoLash Mascara XXL is great for starting. It just might be the trick to get the perfect eyelashes that you have been waiting for since such a long time! Try and see for it. You will see the difference sooner or later. I hope you found this article well informative. Some of these things might have interested you because keeping your eyelashes maintained and well-protected is important. I hope you the best in your endeavors to keep them looking as spectacular as you! Best of luck.

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