You should get rid of this raining cloud that keeps following you around. First of all, it’s important to understand that the chances of a distant cousin leaving you with a huge inheritance and turning your luck around are quite negligible and you shouldn’t count on them. However, the good thing is that you can enjoy your lifestyle and improve it significantly if you introduce a couple of changes to your life.

Make a Realistic Plan

People who overspend usually do it because they are unaware of their spending limits. Having nice things implies that you have to work hard for them – so, be realistic. If you want to stop starving during the last week of each month, you should begin them by making a budget plan. Thus, you’ll be able to stretch your budget, afford all the necessities and direct those leftovers towards enjoying yourself.

Mind Your Cooking

First of all – if you don’t prepare your meals at home, you should start. Eating healthy should be on the top of your priority list; it’s the source of your health and energy – and it’s less expensive than eating out. Once you’ve got quality sorted out, you need to focus on quantity. A huge number of households are wasting enormous amounts of food by preparing too much, eating too little and throwing out the rest. You will need some time to harmonize the amounts of ingredients in your meals, but until you’re a pro, you should eat leftovers – simple as that.

Goods Exchange

Instead of purchasing new clothes or books, you should settle for used items. Many great organizations and websites out there are built as mediums and serve to connect people who want to exchange their used goods for others or sell them for a lower price than those you’d expect to see in stores.

Turn off Cable

Most households still subscribe to cable TV because out of nothing more than maintaining a habit. The truth is that you can spend more time with your personal computer or smartphone than watching TV and it seems like this appliance has become more of a noise regulator than an entertainment source. Besides, everyone is turning towards mediums like Netflix, as they are less expensive and a lot more user-friendly.

Use Public Transportation

Other than being a green alternative, trains and busses are also a cheaper transportation method that can actually be faster if you harmonize your schedule with theirs. Sure, cars are comfy, private and all that, you’re used to that luxury, but it’s a thing you can live without. At least for now.

Change Your Phone Plan

Many people just sort of go with the plan their mobile career selects for them – you should change your phone plan because you can. You should evaluate how much you actually use your package because I bet that you spend more time using Wi-Fi. Considering the fact that your smartphone is one very personal item, you should adapt it to your needs. My suggestion is to think about mobile phone insurance as well, so that you have a backup if it gets lost, stolen or damaged – you won’t have to worry about those costs if that time comes.

Collect Coupons

If you’d like to spend less money, you should invest more time. In order to cut your shopping costs regarding the essential list of items you find necessary like groceries and hygiene products, you should gather coupons and use them wisely. Almost all supermarkets and stores have an extensive list of discount offers you should definitely take advantage of.

Entertain Guests

These changes will affect your social life as well, but that doesn’t mean that you should withhold from socializing – simply move it from overpriced bars and restaurants to your home and entertain your guests. My suggestion is to make a selection of must-see things – your favorite band having a concert or an exhibition you’ve been waiting to see for a really long time and save up for those events. Going out should be all about spending quality time and doing the things you like – I’m sure you got bored on numerous occasions by following your friends to an event you’re indifferent about and this change is going to have a positive effect on that.

Think about Electricity

Simple things – I’m sure you’re already familiar with this because every single article about saving money mentions it – like turning off lights when you leave the room, make a significant difference at the end of the month and you should apply them. One more thing that’s less known – you should unplug all appliances you don’t use because that way, you won’t spend any “phantom energy” those very same appliances are draining even when they’re not turned on.

Consult Professionals

People go to school in order to learn how to manage budgets, so this is a skill you learn. If you don’t seem to make a difference and you still end up getting back to old spending habits, you should either consult a professional or sign up for a class. This investment of your time into learning about money and how to treat your budget properly will make you a happier person in time – it did so for me. Life is a better place when you don’t have to worry or stress out over bills each day.