All PG rated, I promise. Anyhow, Idea Sandbox has customer service tips that they espouse at Hooters, and they’re darned good. Of course, they’re geared towards restaurant work, but I find that customer service best practices often span more than one service opportunity. True? Here are the first 4 of 16: I like the first because it’s a peeve of mine to be ignored by service workers until they’re ready. At least say hi! The second is just fun. The third part, about suggesting a specific drink, now there’s something you can put into play in YOUR career. Don’t bring generalizations to any meeting: bring a specific suggestion. Don’t say, “I don’t like how we’re doing this.” Say, “I think we should get Vidya to write a rollback script.” The fourth is a lot like the third, to me. But what’s your take? Can you learn from the talented customer service stylings of Hooters? Delivering Customer Service at Hooters – [Idea Sandbox]