Read Part One here (Part 1). Read Part Two here (Part 2). The superior man is willing to take massive action, step out of have his comfort zone, and do whatever it takes to accomplish those things that have never been done before. Additionally, the superior man has the ability to separate how he feels from what he does, or even how he leads. Jim Collins describes how great leaders transform others in his best-selling book Good to Great. In his book, Collins discusses the Level 5 Leader. Part Three is dedicated to those Level 5 Leaders in my life. To those who continue to inspire me to this day, even in death. I dedicate this post to those great men. These are the Level 5 Leaders and the key qualities they represent. They are truly superior men.

1. Puts things into perspective

“To lead people, walk behind them.” – Lao Tzu Asking “did anyone die?” really puts things into perspective. A great leader in my life repeatedly solicits this question. It is amazing how this simple question completely puts things into proper perspective. This leader has the awesome ability to see through lesser men and is always able to put things into perspective.

2. Lives the virtue of all virtues – humility

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” – C.S. Lewis Humility may just be the most difficult quality in life. Yet, it is one of the most discussed and pursued qualities. One of the most important leaders in my life lives this quality better than anyone I know. He is the role model for role models. This superior man is someone we should all strive to become.

3. Not afraid to run into danger

“People say everything happens for a reason, so when I reach over and smack you in the face, remember… there was a reason.” The superior man is one who is not afraid to run into danger. He is a man who confronts those things normal people refuse to. He is a man who recognizes that, if he does not run toward the enemy, no one will. A good friend of mine was killed protecting those he loved. He was killed because he was not afraid to fight. He was the type of man who runs toward danger when everyone else runs away.

4. Not afraid to stand alone

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” – Rosalynn Carter The superior man is one who is not afraid to take a stand, even if he must stand alone. He is a man who recognizes that standing alone does not mean being alone. It means he is strong enough to stand for things; things that are right and just; things other men know are right, yet are afraid to stand for.

5. Chooses to live on a higher level

“When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for eternity.” – Nelson Mandela You can immediately tell when someone is good. They live and breathe on a higher level. Just being around the person lifts you up and inspires you. I met one of the greatest leaders to ever enter my life a couple years ago. I was only around this man for one year, yet he was the ultimate superior man. The first time my wife met him, she was inspired. As a military spouse, she has seen all types of leaders. She holds the ability to immediately identify who is a good person and who is a bad person. This leader was not just good, but great. Colonel Eugene L. Montague died in May 2016. This three-part series of superior men is dedicated to him. He is the ultimate superior man and I want to personally thank him for providing me the inspiration to keep learning, dreaming, and to one day become a leader he would be proud of.