But right from the start there are problems we need to be alerted to if we are to enjoy the next forty weeks. Dizziness during pregnancy can be quite daunting, however, it can be helpful to know what causes it. It’s also of great value to know what we can do about it. Lets start off with the causes.

Low Blood Sugar

When your system is low in sugar you can experience some nasty symptoms like weakness, dizziness, fast heart rate and excessive thirst.


You’re not just eating for two now – your’e also drinking for two. The pregnant body can become dehydrated easily so watch out for that.

Progesterone Levels

Increased levels of progesterone encourages a greater amount of blood to flow to your baby however, this reduces blood flow to your brain and it lowers your blood pressure. This causes dizziness during pregnancy.

Circulatory System

The circulatory system is growing at such a rapid rate and the pregnant body isn’t producing enough blood to fill it. This results in a feeling of faintness.


Spending too much time in a hot room, office or restaurant will cause the body to overheat, resulting in dizziness.

Low Blood Pressure

Your baby is growing to such an extent that it puts great pressure on your blood vessels. When you lie on your back the high levels of progesterone encourage your blood vessels to widen. This means extra blood is carried to your baby at a more rapid rate but not so much to you, reducing your blood pressure. So now you know why it happens, so what do you do if it happens to you.

How To Manage Pregnancy Dizziness and Fainting

Lie down on your side and elevate your legs until you feel OK again. If you’re not comfortable lying down, don’t worry, just sit up. From that sitting position bend down and try to touch your feet. We don’t expect you to be able to touch your feet – just aim in that direction. As soon as you’re feeling a little better do the following three things.

Make sure your clothes aren’t a tight fit Have a big glass of water and a snack Take a little walk outside for five minutes

Don’t do any of the above until you are steady on your feet and free from all dizziness. And finally you might be interested to learn how to avoid these dizzy spells in the first place. Wouldn’t it be nice if you never experienced any at all? Well these tips will definitely reduce the chances.

Take Your Time

Don’t rush when you are getting up from a sitting or lying position. Easy does it – one step at a time. You don’t want your blood pressure dropping so take your time and that should help.

Eat Well

If you eat a balanced diet you will reduce the likelihood of fainting. You should make sure to get in all of the food groups (no faddy diets for the next 40 weeks). And also eat often (6 smaller meals each day rather than 3 big ones) .This way you’re not giving your blood sugar a chance to drop. Always have a snack or two close by in case you start to feel a bit funny. I always found bananas to be good for getting my blood sugar back up quickly.

Fresh Air

Make sure to get outside and get fresh air as often as you can. Employers need to be understanding about this. It will be good for you to stretch your legs anyway.

Lie On Your Side

Lying on your back is a bad idea if you want to avoid feeling dizzy. The baby will press on your vena cava which will slow down your blood supply. Try to lie on your side where possible.

Dress in Layers

This way you can shed whatever layers you need to so you can get the right body temperature.

Take Breaks From Standing

Avoid standing for too long. Standing for long periods of time is not recommended, therefore I would try to make sure there is a chair available at all times.

Drink Plenty

Drink at least eight glasses of water or juice each day. Don’t skimp on fluids for yourself and your little one.

Finally a word of caution. If your dizziness does get out of control and you faint, it is best to have your doctor check you out.

You will probably be fine but it’s the best thing to do. Also don’t operate any machinery or drive if you feel at all faint. Not everyone suffers with pregnancy dizziness but if you do just follow the guidelines above and you should be fine.