These types of people always get the promotion, win the race, don’t ever seem stressed, and eyes just follow them. What’s their secret? How are they keeping it all together? I know, and I’m going to tell you. It’s about getting the proper sleep. People who get enough sleep are successful, focused and happy. We need sleep to recharge our brains and bodies. When we are tired, we can aimlessly jump from task to task without any real clarity. We end up treading a tiring circle of never-ending tasks. We all want to be the best version of ourselves, whether it be a good mother, top executive or an amazing athlete. In our busy society, sleep has become somewhat of a luxury. If you own your own business or have kids, you might relate to the phrase: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Guess what? You couldn’t be further from the truth. You are forgoing the one thing that can help you achieve your success. Bad sleep habits cause our bodies to become worn. Like an engine without an oil change, we start to break down. 11 Sleep Habits of Successful People