8 Funny Comics About Parenting That You Need To See

There are times when the frustration levels hit a high and you feel down and cranky — just like your kids. But parenting is fun as well. Lots of fun. And to lighten things up, to make you realise the funny side of parenting, here is a man, a cartoonist to be more exact, who has made hilarious parenting comics. These cover most of the daily topics we go through....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 721 words · Heriberto Trevino

8 Intelligent Quotes From Richard Branson

January 27, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Michael Peele

8 Myths About Feminism Debunked

1. Feminism is misandry (or, feminists hate men) How about we start this with a definition, since it seems that most people are confused when it comes to the basic meaning of “feminism”: Feminism (noun)—The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. This myth isn’t even worth discussing, to be honest, because it would be a huge oxymoron if a feminist was a man-hater: someone who wants equality can’t hate the people with whom they want to be equal....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 731 words · Brian Patterson

8 Outstandingly Successful People 8 Outstanding Reasons Why

How do they do it—and what can they teach us? Because sometimes that dream, that ultimate success, can seem so far away. There are days when the only light we can see at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming express train. It can be easy to see bad luck or failure as our destiny rather than a learning curve. At those times we need to remember that we are not alone; the brightest and the best have been there before us, and sometimes what it takes to finally reach the very top is not to catch a break, but to get the right attitude....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 737 words · Lowell Bank

8 Signs You Will Be A Good Father Even You Don T Think So At The Moment

Despite these positive legislation changes, the emotional and psychological demands of being a father can be extremely challenging for first-timers. With no point of reference in their personal experience and conflicting opinions about what distinguishes a good father, it is easy for individuals to doubt themselves and the influence that they are having on their children. There are characteristics and personal traits that can empower you as an excellent father, however, and identifying these may offer comfort during times of insecurity....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 899 words · Michael Jenkins

8 Things Only Coffee Lovers Would Understand

But enough about me! You’ve come to this article hoping to find a chuckle-inducing list about all of the hardships and joys associated with being a coffee lover. What is it really like to be one of us? Read on. 1. You know all of the good half and half brands. There’s nothing quite like mixing a good brew with a bad brand of half and half. If you’ve ever had to send someone else to the market to pick up your favorite dairy creamer, you always specify to them exactly the kind you want....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 1032 words · Dorothy Farness

8 Things Only People Fighting With Lyme Disease Understand

1. They Can Be In A Lot Of Pain Pain in the muscles and joints — which is sometimes pretty severe — is a very common symptom of Lyme disease, and keeping that pain under control can be a real challenge. This chronic pain can make it hard to go to work, clean the house, or do other basic activities of everyday life. And pain relievers, whether over-the-counter or by prescription, all have side effects ranging from stomach irritation to liver impairment to becoming dependent....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 649 words · Sheryl Naquin

8 Valuable Life Lessons Blogging Teaches Us

1. It doesn’t take much to get started in a new direction All it takes to get started with a new project in your life is to make that initial leap of faith. Once you’ve resolved to make a change you can jump right in. The progress will be gradual but you can make huge progress initially if you are driven. With some research and a bit of practice you can learn how to run a successful blog and apply the principles that the pros use right from the start....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1261 words · Jennifer Bailey

8 Ways For Empaths To Avoid Drowning In Others Sadness

1. Evaluate your feelings Empaths tend to take other people’s feelings on as their own, and find it hard to separate themselves from the feeling once it takes hold of them. It’s important for you to be able to evaluate whether what you’re feeling is due to an internal or external stimulus, and act accordingly. Realizing you’re getting worked up over something that doesn’t directly affect you is the first step toward alleviating those dreadful feelings....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 703 words · Josephine Rodriguez

8 Ways To Gain Better Control Of Your Life

Achieving personal goals feels great. However, failing to achieve them can deal a massive blow to our egos. After all, this failure is personal, and it often makes us question our own convictions. Of course, every life is filled with failures: some are not too severe, and some are valuable lessons, but failures make us feel weak, powerless, and demotivated. When things don’t go as we planned, we start to experience this lack of control, and that is truly depressing....

January 27, 2023 · 10 min · 2003 words · Jon Vann

8 Ways To Raise A Selfless Child

To avoid raising a narcissistic child, parents should do the following: 1. Learn to say “no” and mean it Giving in to a child’s demands every time they throw a tantrum simply teaches them that they will always get their way if they complain enough. Adults know that in the real world, this simply isn’t true. Children need to learn from a young age to delay their gratification, or even resign themselves to the fact that; this time, they won’t be getting what they want....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 818 words · Sara Ng

8 Ways To Ration Your Mobile Data Usage

Keep an Eye on Your Plan With the Data Usage App Data Usage is an essential app for anyone who wants to stay within their plan’s limits. Data Usage not only tells you how much data you have used, it even tells you what percentage of your plan you have used this month. If you’re only half way through the month and you have already used 90 percent of your plan’s data allotment, the app alerts you to ease up on your data usage....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 952 words · John Kraus

9 Greatest Things All Great Leaders Share

A true leader is not defined by authoritative influence, for leadership and dictation are two very different things. Rather, a leader is a person who is willing to take action. A true leader creates his/her own destiny, irrespective of the social constraints that may pose a formidable barrier to success. They do not wait for things to come; they make them happen. And when opportunities refuse to knock . ....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 579 words · Paulita Ovalle

9 Interesting Ways To Reuse Your Unwanted Christmas Tree

Check out 9 things you can do with your unwanted Christmas tree here. 1. Bird house or bird feeder Your unwanted Christmas tree is useful to birds in more ways than one: you can use the tree to build a bird house or a bird feeder. Use the largest pieces of wood to build a bird house to put in a tree in your garden, or make a bird feeder with suet....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 578 words · April Lowery

9 Reasons You Should Start Having A Mediterranean Diet Now With Recipe

This diet is mainly based on plant-based foods so that legumes (peas, lentils and beans), fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are the basis of the diet. Protein is supplied by fish and white meat. Red meat is eaten only a few times a month. Lots of emphasis on fresh food while processed food, ready made meals, and junk food are avoided like the plague. Here are 9 reasons you should start adopting this diet now....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 816 words · Blossom Jones

9 Signs You Re In Love With A Narcissist

Wikipedia states that “narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.” Essentially, just like the young Narcissus, one of the essential components of the narcissist is that they are head over heels for one person — themselves. If you are dating a narcissistic person, the progression into a toxic relationship comes as swiftly as the relationship progresses....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 794 words · Miriam Jones

9 Tips On How To Get Along With People In Any Situation

1. Listen with the intent to understand. If you make understanding another person a priority in any social circle, you will find that it is extremely easy to along with people. It is in the choice to invest time and emotional effort that the barriers to harmonious living are torn down. Planning or preparing yourself to understand others is a massive first step. You can do this by listening to what the person says (no planning your response while they are still talking!...

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 781 words · Jesse Dolejsi

9 Toxic Habits To Get Rid Of In 2016

1. Dwelling on Past There’s no point in wondering what could have, should have and would have been if you had done something differently. Dealing with regrets isn’t simple, but the sooner you realize that you can’t do anything about it, the happier you’ll be. If there’s something you actually can change or if there are amends you want to make, then put yourself out there and do it. If not, leave things just the way they currently are and find a way to finally make peace with them....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 963 words · Sara Hendriks

9 Ways To Work Smarter Than Others

1. Know your goals If you are clear about what you want to achieve, that’s a great start. People who don’t define their weekly, monthly or yearly goals end up being the busy fools, frantically racing from one task to the next without really knowing which one is their priority. Having clearly-defined goals eliminates this possibility. Knowing what you are aiming for helps when deciding what is your top priority and what you should be working on each day....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Jesse Lopez

A 6 Step Guide To Networking For First Year Mba Students

If you are a first year MBA student, especially if you are at a lesser-known MBA program, networking is going to be an essential component to landing your summer internship. Start Early If there’s any piece of advice that I would give first year MBA students it’s that your job search stats the day you start school, and if you are really a go-getter even before you arrive at school....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 890 words · Michael James