5 Steps To Writing An Award Winning Business Proposal

Work On Your Business Proposal (Almost) Every Day It’s significant that you work on your business proposal almost every day. As far as I am concerned, I assigned two hours every weekday, and six hours on the weekends to researching and writing my plan. The physics of inertia will work in your favor if you touch your plan daily. What is inertia? It’s the phenomenon that refers to the concept that objects in motion will stay in motion and objects in a resting state are harder to get going again....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 457 words · Edmond Johnson

5 Things Every Child Needs To Be Successful In Life

For the most part, we do a pretty good job of preparing our children for what lies ahead, yet fall short in other areas. However, at times, we have grown lazy and complacent in our roles to guide them. No matter who we are or where we come from, certain principles will always be a part of our success, regardless of what that success looks like. With a higher than ever number of teenage and young adult suicides occurring in this county, we need to revisit the needs of our children to ensure they are prepared for the turmoils and struggles life will bring to them once they are out into the “real” world on their own....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 1005 words · John Reveal

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me In High School

Where are they from? What do they want to do? What do they want to learn? What do they want to be? Through spending time with and giving talks to some of the most awesome and capable young people, I’ve had a solid chance to reflect on myself when I was their age. I’ve gotten to combine my own knowledge with the wealth of information that these students share with me to come up with 5 things I wish someone told me in high school....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 1010 words · Robert Clark

5 Things That Will Happen When You Eat Oatmeal

In fact, a few things will happen if you start eating oatmeal everyday. For example: 1. You’ll manage (or maybe lose!) weight Oatmeal fills you up so you can make the most of your morning without distracting hunger pangs (or reaching for a donut in the break room). A study comparing a breakfast of oatmeal to cornflakes found that oatmeal leaves the stomach more slowly, keeping hunger at bay longer....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 643 words · Saul Littlewood

5 Things To Remember When You Are Suicidal

1. You only get one body in this lifetime. This mortal body of ours will not be around forever. It is a temporary vessel through which we can briefly experience life on Earth. You only have one body in this lifetime, and there are so many things you can do with it. It would be a shame to throw it away. Would it not be worth it to take good care of your own self?...

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 539 words · Boyd Olson

5 Times When Less Is More At Work

1. Take a few more breaks This seems like a contradiction when time is so scarce. But when you think about it, it makes sense because when you are tired, you make more mistakes and are prone to bad decisions. Research shows the more breaks you have the more productive you become. Breaks can be a respite from mental activity such as surfing the web or a more physical one when you stretch, talk a walk outside or have a real coffee break....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 704 words · Matthew Hannon

5 Tips For Effective Digital Note Taking

At first I just used a junky old notebook and a crappy Bic pen. I slowly improved my tools as any good, geeky GTD student would. But it wasn’t until I switched over to a full digital work-flow that I started to see real benefits with the use of my system. I am in a very technical field at work and technical major at school; computers and devices are around me all day long....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 800 words · Margaret Turnage

5 Tips For Writing Top Notch Content That Shares Itself

1. Know Your Audience Before you pound out a blog, consider the characteristics of your reader. Are they busy people who appreciate concise material that gets straight to the point without one iota of meandering, or would they appreciate a good in-depth personal story to illustrate your point? If you’re not sure, experiment with short action-based posts and long story-based posts to discover what format results in more interaction, shares, and traffic....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 565 words · Margaret Deeter

5 Tips To Beat A Standardized Test

As we get ready to head back to school, or go looking for jobs, or think about accreditation for our career of choice, it’s worth thinking about the tests that are coming up. Not so that we can worry about what score we’re going to get but so that when the big day comes, we can beat each of those tests. 1. Understand test formats The thing about giving the same test to a whole bunch of people is that you have to make the questions understandable even for someone who will be taking the test cold....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 837 words · Jo Keen

5 Tips To Churn Your Way To Free Travel

Churning is simply the strategy whereby you open a credit card, collect welcome bonus miles, use them for a free flight and either close or stop using the credit card. You then do the same thing over and over again. That’s right, you get multiple free flights every year just by signing-up for new credit cards. Some people needlessly spend dollar after dollar, day after day, year after year, trying to earn enough points from their credit cards for a free flight....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 630 words · Louis Kim

5 Tips To Stop Food Craving At Night

1. Give yourself 5 extra minutes to eat. How long do you usually take to eat breakfast? If you take 5 minutes to eat every morning, give yourself 10 minutes tomorrow. Keep that up for a week and then add another 5 minutes to make it a total of 15. Eating slowly will feel funny at first, so let’s start slow to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Repeat this strategy with lunch and dinner too....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 471 words · Christine Clark

5 Traits Of The World S Richest Man Bill Gates

What prompted Gates’ success? Being an incredibly smart engineer and successful businessman, he certainly was in the perfect spot with the right idea for a product. Throughout the years, he has shown some traits and habits that led him towards a sustained success in his business and philanthropy. Bill has certainly laid out a long list of lessons for anyone looking for motivation or a guide to success. Whether you are searching for someone to invest in your company, paying off your mortgage, or even finding a new career, there are many lessons that we can learn from Bill Gates....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 638 words · Lara Webb

5 Tricks To Make A Plain Shirt Look Fashionable

Some people can wear this effectively, like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs. But if you are a lady and want to add some pizzazz to your plain shirt, read on. We do not need to wear a branded or an intricately designed shirt to make a fashion statement. A simple plain shirt, no matter what color, can be turned into something fancy if we apply these tricks: Wear a statement necklace....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 534 words · Connie Rodkey

5 Ways Couples Find The Meaning Of True Love By Traveling The World Together

There are many couples across the globe that find the meaning of true love by traveling this world. Part of my job is to scan the internet and various sources in order to compile enough information to complete an article. The other day, I came across an article that struck a nerve. It was a compiled list of things you should not do while you are young. One of the points was: do not fall in love and stay in it....

January 19, 2023 · 6 min · 1206 words · Edith Manley

5 Ways Fantasy Sports Skills Are Transferrable

1. The analysis of numbers is very similar to stock market analysis. When you’re combing through yards per carry and value over replacement player in fantasy sports, you can easily move those skills over to stock trading and come out with similar (hopefully positive) results. In fantasy football for example, you might pay attention to carries or points per game; in stock trading, you should just like at price-to-earnings ratio or volume....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 612 words · Edward Fryer

5 Ways Introvert Extrovert Couples Can Improve Communication

Over time, though, it can test your patience and make you question your compatibility. Your mate wants to socialize while you want to stay home together. Aren’t you enough for him? He wants to talk things out while you need time to process. Can’t she give you space to breathe? It hurts your feelings when she tells you she needs time to herself. What is she not telling me?...

January 19, 2023 · 6 min · 1244 words · Guillermo Goff

5 Ways To Avoid A Disappointing Holiday Season

– Bob Hope You have been making plans for months and everything is almost ready. You can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they catch a glimpse of how you’ve decorated the house (inside and out), the new table ornaments you’ve bought, the mouth watering menu you’ve cooked up, and the perfect gifts you’ve gotten for everyone. You tingle with excitement because you have thought of everything. When Christmas Day comes it all races by in a rush and before you know it you’re sitting there with a cup of eggnog looking the tree and wondering where the magic went....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 950 words · Claudia Nakken

5 Ways To Build Resilient Leadership In Challenging Times

If you are currently feeling the stress and burden of leadership, you are not alone. Many leaders are being challenged by a new and more complex landscape. Why will some succeed and others fail? The secret to leaders thriving in this new landscape is resilient leadership. But what is resilient leadership, and why is it so important? How do you build your resilient leadership skills, so you can thrive in challenging, disruptive, and turbulent times?...

January 19, 2023 · 14 min · 2829 words · Richard Davanzo

5 Ways To Help Your Teen Get Great Marks In High School

While these tasks should take up the bulk of your teen’s studying time, there are certainly other less well-known methods that effective studiers use to make sure they get the grades they’re aiming for. The five methods below are all things YOU can encourage them to do and help them with, and will contribute massively to your teen’s studying success. 1. Help them make a study timetable Your teen’s study timetable only needs to be very simple, yet the benefits of having one (and using it!...

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 659 words · Joanne Duran

5 Ways To Improve Your Parenting Skills Psychology Backed

Yes, I have my hands full. Twin six-year-old boys and a seven-year-old girl keep me on my parenting toes, so to speak. It is not easy, but I do my best to be a good parent. Having a PhD in psychology is helpful, but I still devour plenty of parenting books and research articles to continually try to do better. I am still a work in progress just like all parents....

January 19, 2023 · 12 min · 2552 words · Herbert Pearson