10 Books By The Most Successful People In The World To Inspire Your Life

1. Business @ the Speed of Thought by Bill Gates In the book, published in 1999, Gates predicted that in the next 10 years business would change more than in the last 50 years. Did this prediction come true? Well, yes, it did and that is a great reason to reread this book written by one of the biggest leaders of the information revolution. Modern business is a powerful system and being intelligent and intuitive is no longer enough to succeed....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 967 words · Richard Graham

10 Curious Facts About Twitter

January 26, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kevin Petersen

10 Dangerous Thoughts You Should Avoid

1. “I guess this is as good as it gets.” The second you become complacent, your progress in life will come to a screeching halt. No matter how good you are at something, you could always stand to improve in some aspect. Learn a new craft, hobby or language to keep your mind creative and fresh. Discover ways to increase the quality of your work or decrease the time it takes to complete tasks you’re already good at (then you’ll have more time for the important things that really make you happy!...

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1110 words · Briana Johnson

10 Foods You Should Never Ever Eat

1. Margarine Because it is based on vegetable rather than animal products, margarine has a completely undeserved reputation for being “light” or “healthy” and many people will choose this over butter. The problem? The vegetable oils that make up many margarines have been hydrogenated so that they will stay solid at room temperature – and this means that they are rich in trans fats. Trans fats are dangerous because they can lead to a build-up of bad cholesterol in the arteries – and this increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 868 words · Glenda Piper

10 Great Iphone Apps To Remotely Control Your Pc Or Mac

1. Keymote This iPhone app is exclusively designed to remotely control your Mac computer. It has specific key sets that allow you to perform specific actions on your Mac. It has an easy to use interface, and you have numerous key sets to choose from in its built-in Keymote store. These key sets are shortcuts that will make it easier to control your Mac using your iPhone. 2. Remote HD This iPhone app works in controlling your Mac computer, Apple TV, and other computers remotely using your device....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 653 words · Margaret Collins

10 Great Leadership Quotes Can Make You A Great Leader

10 Impressive Characteristics Great Leaders Have

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 6 words · John Breitenstein

10 Great Ways To Deal With Selfish People

For example, some people are always trying to make others believe that their own world is the better one, while others will always cut you short and try to air their grievances when you wish to air yours. Yet others can talk for hours about themselves, making you feel like you are of lesser importance. These selfish people love the idea of all for one—only when that one is them....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1201 words · Jerome Grabowski

10 Greatest Success Tips In Both Life And Business

So how to be successful in life? What’s the key to success? For the sake of saving time and energy, I’m sharing a list of success tips that will improve your life and business drastically. 1. Add Value No matter what you do and where you go, you can’t go wrong with adding value. Simply put value is anything that people are willing to pay for. In your professional life, the more value you can offer the more money you can make....

January 26, 2023 · 8 min · 1649 words · Jason Meath

10 Habits For A Long Lasting Relationship

Your busy life keeps you active all day. Your relationships with co-workers are more intimate than with your partner. Lunch dates are longer and happy hours more frequent. You’re so busy texting that you can’t remember the last meaningful conversation you had. When was the last time you laughed together in bed without your phones? Soon, you doubt your love. Your eyes start to wander. You’re choosing your daily outfits based on what your co-workers will think....

January 26, 2023 · 7 min · 1302 words · Ronald Goss

10 Highly Successful Online Startups To Inspire Your Business

So, the trends are changing and people are tweeting. Internet is no longer ‘the next big thing’, it is “the big thing” now. Since everything happens on the internet these days, it will be a logical and far sighted decision to put your business online. If you want to take your business online but you do not have sufficient experience or for some reasons your online business is not taking off as you expected to, you can follow the examples of the below mentioned successful online startup companies who shine like Venus in this vague glitz of the Internet....

January 26, 2023 · 7 min · 1472 words · Pauline Burkitt

10 Incredible Benefits Of Living With Best Friends You Never Realized

1. Spontaneous Parties Living with best friends makes your social life much more convenient. Instead of planning for weeks, suddenly you’ll find excuses to have fun anytime everyone’s at home. Spontaneous parties or nights out are a huge plus to loving your roommates, and might just help you have more fun in life. 2. Sharing Take-Out The daily struggle to cook yourself something marginally edible is less stressful when you live with friends....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 597 words · Douglas Vazquez

10 Inspirational Quotes Of The Day 1

January 26, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Jennifer Farmer

10 Irritating Beliefs That Picky Eaters Put Up With

1. They are just seeking attention Many people are convinced that picky eaters are just trying to get more attention. The reality is quite different, as most picky eaters would rather curl up and die rather than to have to go through agonizing menu choices. 2. They are just like children You know how we always lump picky eaters in the problem child category? We have no tolerance for adult picky eaters....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 823 words · Deborah Hersey

10 Low Tech Valentine Hacks

Message to the Men: Hey guys, did you find this article in your fridge? It’s a trap, your lady doesn’t think you’re being romantic enough. I’m here to help with some romantic hacks. Technology’s really convenient when you need directions to your friend’s party or your therapist. However when you’re trying to spend some one-on-one facetime with that special someone, tech gets in the way. It’s not in our DNA to fall-in-love with screennames or avatars....

January 26, 2023 · 7 min · 1279 words · James Lopez

10 Natural Quick Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Total body fats Poor diet Lack of proper exercises Hormone changes Slow metabolism Density and the color of the skin There are many options to get rid of cellulite. Visiting the doctor and spending bag full of dollars in liposuction is one option. Another is buying expensive creams from the pharmacy. There are little verification that such treatments work permanently. But opting for a much cheaper and natural ways to get rid of cellulite is a win-win situation for all....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 1030 words · James Marshall

10 Practical Tips For Your Long Distance Job Hunt

In the last year alone, I’ve applied for over 4000 jobs all over the world. I only got about 14 of them, but the other way to start this piece is by saying I have over a dozen jobs. Have you ever seen that episode of King of the Hill where Boomhauer shows Bobby the secret to picking up women? The more times you apply, the more hits you come up with....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 907 words · Loretta Ferreira

10 Questions You Should Ask When Facing A Tough Career Decision

Today, careers are all about change. A part of that change are the times when you face a tough decision. There are no easy answers and it is hard to measure what will improve. If you are facing a tough career decision, here are some things to ask yourself: 1. Are you willing to learn new things? Some organizations understand the need for employee engagement. Engagement is when workers feel involved and a part of the overall mission....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 687 words · Cynthia Smothers

10 Quick And Easy Stress Busters

So even if you are strapped for time each day, when you feel those heat levels rising inside you, take a crack at one of the suggestions below and see if it doesn’t improve your day. 10 Quick Stress Busters 1. Negative Ions Ions are molecules that seep into your blood stream and help create serotonin. The ions gain electrical charge from nature (negative ions, as opposed to flat charged ions, registered as positive)....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 626 words · Melanie Smetana

10 Reasons Ambiverts Are Wonderful Leaders

However, the difference here being that no one group is dominant in the ambivert; each side compliments the other. There are many extroverted vs introverted warrings going on, so we thought we’d give a nod to the wonderful ambiverts out there who help to keep the peace and remind us we are all simply wonderful! 1. They are intuitive They are aware of subtle changes in people, tone and environments....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 789 words · Ken Morris

10 Reasons To Tell Yourself I Love You

“I have such a big nose.” “I’m so stupid.” When was the last time you said, “I love you,” to yourself? There are some surprisingly amazing benefits to this. If you want to increase your level of happiness, here’s why you should start saying those three little words—to yourself. 1. You deserve it. You are a masterpiece. Not only are you great, you are great just the way you are....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 665 words · Ruth Peralta