8 Creative Ways To Motivate Yourself To Reach Goals

From the moment our kindergarten teachers asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up to the job interview question that asks us to envision where we see ourselves in five or ten years time, everyone seems to want to know what we’re doing (or hope to do) with our lives. Some of us have detailed road maps in our minds, with mile-markers for each goal: Obtain a college degree, land a dream career, start a family, visit Mars, achieve world domination—whatever....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1171 words · Wesley Anderson

8 Fun And Unique Birthday Party Ideas For People In Their 20S

Since people have wildly different definitions of fun, we will be looking at some interesting and diverse party ideas for people in their 20s, be they more of a recluse with a few close friends or a party maniac who enjoys going out and meeting new people. 1. Host a gaming tournament with a special prize for the winner Almost everyone enjoys playing video games from time to time, and some people have more of that “gaming spirit” than others and gaming plays a bigger role in their lives....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1250 words · Juan Kukauskas

8 Habits You D Be Better Off Without

The Why I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why we humans do the things we do. It got me thinking, “How much of what we do is unnecessary, or even worse, detrimental to our well-being?” After speaking to a few friends, we came up with a list of over 50 items, which I quickly narrowed down to 8 as I found many that fit into similar categories. I’d also like to add that these things appear to stem from fear....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 826 words · Debra Morrison

8 Outstanding Chrome Tips

Here are a few (8) of my favorite features in Chrome, try them out, they will make your browsing experience a little better! Get control of your inbox courtesy of Me (Steve Dotto) and the good folks here at Lifehack. For a limited time you can take my 3 Steps to Inbox Zero course for FREE ($99 value) Click here for more info. For a limited time, 3 Steps to Inbox Zero is FREE!...

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · 74 words · Carol Thrasher

8 Problems You Face When You Have A Soft Heart

1. We will always support others With so many selfish people in the world, the softhearted ones are the ones still willing to offer support. Although some may run to a softhearted person not only for support but to take advantage of them, the softhearted person still offers a shield to anyone who needs assistance. When you run for support to a person with a soft heart, you will never be rejected....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 615 words · Frank Marrero

8 Reasons It S Okay To Be Quiet

I spent years and years battling my quiet temperament, trying to become the extroverted personality that it seemed everyone wanted me to be. It was not until I paused for a moment to appreciate the natural strengths that quiet people possessed, that I was able to embrace the person I was. In a world that often values extroverted, action-oriented characteristics, such as chatty communication skills and busyness, characteristics in which quiet people excel are often overlooked and forgotten....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 658 words · Jennifer Belkowski

8 Reasons Why We Find It Hard To Realize Happiness

But why it is so hard to be happy? Is it because we don’t live in this very moment and become disappointed about the past or worried about future? 1. We live in the past or future. There is always something to be disappointed about in the past. The mistakes grow bigger day by day and eat us from the inside. They can destroy us and take away the will to live, to challenge and achieve....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 576 words · Nancy Castillo

8 Sharp Techniques To Improve Your Creative Writing Skills

1. Have a Broad Understanding of the Subject Writing creatively requires a focused approach and broad understanding of the subject in order to create a larger picture for the reader to visualize. You should spend time researching and conducting informational interviews in order to gain this knowledge about the subject. The more knowledge that you have, the more that you are able to convey to the reader through your writing. Oftentimes, writers miss out on painting the larger picture....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 593 words · Paul Bloomgren

8 Signs You Are Possibly An Outgoing Introvert

1. You like the “idea” of going on adventures The keyword there is idea. You don’t actually want to go on them. You think you want to go out and try something new and crazy….. but then realize you’d rather stay home and lounge. For example, you made plans with friends for a road trip in a few weeks. While making the plans, the idea sounded amazing and you were pumped!...

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 629 words · Ricky Perez

8 Things Libra Women Want You To Know

In fact, I just had my birthday (yay, October babies!) and my cool Libra demeanor helped me ride out some unexpected hitches in my birthday plans. How many other signs would’ve totally freaked out when they hit bad traffic on their way to see a movie with friends, get to the theater only to find the line there is also bad, and finally get to the front of the line only to have the tickets no longer available?...

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1211 words · Lori Dejesus

8 Things Only People Who Can Enjoy Being Alone Would Deeply Understand

January 23, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Patricia Breeding

8 Things Successful People Do To Keep Themselves Motivated All The Time

So what’s stopping you from being motivated to achieve more? Is the difficulty of better achievements widening from the previous one? Or is there a brick wall too high to scale? To help you find a new and more consistent energy and how to stay motivated, you can learn to adopt these 8 things that successful people do to keep themselves motivated all the time. 1. They establish the big WHY What if you came to work one day and your boss told you to do up a presentation slide by 3pm without giving you any reason to do so, would you feel a sense of purpose in achieving it?...

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 847 words · Joshua Duncan

8 Things To Remember When Dating Someone With A Guarded Heart

1. We treasure alone time People with guarded hears trust themselves more than any other person on the planet. Because of this, we enjoy being alone much more than others may. Meeting new people is a draining process because we have to keep our guard up at all times until we are sure we can trust somebody. When dating someone with a guarded heart, understand they would rather spend a quiet night on the couch with you than out with a group of friends....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 677 words · Diane Sanchez

8 Tips To Set Up Your Home Office For Serious Productivity

Whether you’re starting your own business, you work from home full time, or you occasionally conduct business from your home office, you can benefit from optimizing your workspace for serious productivity using these tips. 1. Incorporate Your Own Style According to a study from the University of Exeter, making design decisions about your workspace improves productivity, as well as health and happiness. In fact, the participants were found to have increased productivity of 32%....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1188 words · Christiana Houston

8 Ways Musicians Can Use Build Their Social Media Presence

On an indie level it’s even more crucial to have a social media campaign, so you can connect with as many fans as possible. Here are 8 ways musicians can build their social media presence. 1. Build a consistent posting strategy. Building a consistent posting strategy is a key to building a social media presence. Consistency will also keep your fans engaged with your music. If your social media accounts go too long without any updates, your fans will forget about you and your music....

January 23, 2023 · 6 min · 1242 words · Noelle Miller

8 Ways To Eliminate Stress In The Workplace

Here are eight creative ways you can help get rid of stress at your office. 1. Walking Challenges Encouraging exercise is important for the health of your employees, and one way to do this is by having walking challenges. Give employees FitBits so they can track their steps, or even just simple, old-fashioned step trackers. Challenge them to take so many steps in a month, and if they get there, they get a prize....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 563 words · Daniel Long

8 Ways To Live And Work Like You Re On Vacation

1. Change your commute. The best part of vacationing is seeing new cities, landscapes, and people. Taking in new information about our environment forces us to become more aware. We stop hanging our heads in our phones and look up to see what’s around the corner. Changing up your perspective can be as easy as changing your commute to work. If you drive, take public transit. If you take the subway, consider riding your bike....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 961 words · Gloria Baker

8 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestive Health

How to improve digestive health the right way As with any other health problem, we should address the root of the issue. Busy lifestyles most often leave no time to focus on the right diet and stress free living, yet there is always a way to make the most out of our free time and dedicate it to making healthy meals and exercising. Yoga is one of the best ways to improve not only your digestive health, but its benefits also include:...

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 699 words · Kyle Brick

9 Easy And Quick Ways To Top Avocado Toast

Avocados should be stored at room temperature until they ripen which can take up to 4 to 5 days. When the outside skin is black or dark purple, they are ripe and ready to eat or refrigerate. To speed up the ripening process, place your avocado in a paper bag with an apple, banana, or kiwifruit. To speed up the ripening process even more (say, like ten minutes), slice your avocado, sprinkle with lemon juice, and bake it in the oven on 300° for 10 minutes....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 533 words · Sylvia Green

9 Fitness Apps That Keep You Motivated

Here are some of the free download apps which are considered highly effective when it comes to your health and nutrition. 1. Cody It is an app which is like the Facebook for fitness. It offers inside connections to the fitness community. Access to the such a community allows you to share workouts and fitness ideas. It also allows you to complete the exercises by following old and new friends....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 833 words · Tiffany Branch